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hold water Meaning in Bengali


পানি রাখা,

hold water শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

জমিতে পরিমিত পরিমাণ পানি রাখা

একটি থালায় শিম, অন্য থালায় পানি রাখা

অতি বেগুনি রশ্মির নিচে পানি রেখে দেয়া - যেমন, ঘরের বাতির নিচে পানি রাখা যেতে পারে অথবা বাতিসমূহ পানির স্রোতে আধো নিমজ্জিত করে রাখা  যেতে পারে ।

hold water's Usage Examples:

somewhat V-shaped and it has a small dam on the southeastern side to hold water for hydroelectric power generation.

collect and move water, such as rivers and streams, and others primarily hold water, such as lakes and oceans.

unattractive soils for rainfed agriculture because of their inability to hold water, but may sometimes have potential for tree crops or extensive grazing.

Combaning is derived from the local Aboriginal (Yuin) word meaning 'to hold water'.

A water bottle is a container that is used to hold water, liquids or other beverages for consumption.

long sections of the canal are evident, although none of these sections hold water.

Defined as a storage space for fluids, reservoirs may hold water or gasses, including hydrocarbons.

Indeed, a vacuum has approximately the same equilibrium capacity to hold water vapor as the same volume filled with air; both are given by the equilibrium.

It can hold water up to 118 feet.

The lagoons, which hold water all year, lie at the mouth of three seasonal watercourses which, when.

of factors: Substrate type: affects the ability of the depression to hold water.

A waterskin is a receptacle used to hold water.

nutrient-rich materials so they are more productive than most home gardens; they hold water making them drought-resistant.

aquarium where vent holes and the screen was sealed so that it could hold water.

still be seen in the landscape, and there are short sections which still hold water.

constructed in 1961-1964 by the United States Bureau of Reclamation, to hold water for downstream irrigation and for flood-control purposes.

As an example, think about the sentence "The can can hold water".

wading pool, paddling pool, or simply pool is a structure designed to hold water to enable swimming or other leisure activities.

An Edo period Japanese bucket used to hold water for fire fighting.

last innovation appears to be baskets so tightly woven that they could hold water.


water of crystallization; liquid; bath water; dishwater; fresh water; perspiration; atomic number 1; freshwater; snow mist; ice; distilled water; brine; tap water; atomic number 8; water ice; teardrop; flake; hard water; oxygen; spring water; holy water; well water; water of crystallisation; ice crystal; water of hydration; sudor; limewater; O; body of water; ground water; frost mist; soft water; bilge water; H; frost snow; bilge; meltwater; ice needle; H2O; binary compound; saltwater; slush; poudrin; snowflake; tear; diamond dust; seawater; sweat; hydrogen;


fresh water; saltwater; soft water; hard water; linger;

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