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hollows Meaning in Bengali

 ঠালা, ফাঁপা জায়গা, গর্ত, রন্ধ্র, কোটর, খোল, খাঁজ, গুহা, শূন্যগর্ত জায়গা, দাবিয়া যাত্তয়া জায়গা, টোল, খাত,


খাত, দাবিয়া যাত্তয়া জায়গা, শূন্যগর্ত জায়গা, গুহা, খাঁজ, রন্ধ্র, গর্ত, ফাঁপা জায়গা, ঠালা,


দাবা, খনন করা, ঠালা করা, অবতল করা, দাবান, গর্ত করা,


ভাসা-ভাসা, পলকা, অনান্তরিক, মিথ্যা, অন্ত:সারশূণ্য, গর্তযূক্ত, শূন্যগর্ভ, অপ্রকৃত, দাবিয়া যাত্তয়া, শূন্যগর্ত, অবতল, ফাঁপা, ফাঁকা,

hollows's Usage Examples:

Many of the series' antagonists are hollows.

There are also hollows with Soul Reaper (a death-related entity)-like characteristics.

with sharp narrow ridges separating smoothly concave hollows.

For a given set of suncups, the hollows are normally all around the same size, meaning that.

The bright patches are hollows.

High-resolution mosaic The hollows cover the.

A large patch of hollows on the western peak ring.

Small depressions are hollows.

crater, showing the hollows as white patches MESSENGER image of hollows within Sholem Aleichem.

Very high-resolution image of hollows in the crater.

Sander crater, showing the hollows Western Sander crater, with detail of the hollows on the crater floor.

in the center of the floor of Abu Nuwas, and bright features known as hollows are present near the peak.

The sides of the sculpture have silvered bumps and hollows; viewed from above, the top surface resolves into a blocky human body and.

irregular, bright depressions are hollows.

View of most of the crater at a high sun angle, also showing the hollows Moore, Patrick (2000).

crater have hollows, which appear bright when the sun is high in the sky.

Approximate color image High-resolution mosaic showing details of hollows "Baranauskas".


cavity; enclosed space;


psychotic depression; Heaven; highland;

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