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homosporous Meaning in Bengali

 সমরেণু প্রসূ,

homospory দ্বারা চিহ্নিত



homosporous's Usage Examples:

Vascular plants are either homosporous (or isosporous) or heterosporous.

Plants that are homosporous produce spores of the same size and type.

Like most ferns, members of the Cyatheaceae are homosporous.

Some were heterosporous but others were homosporous.

plants had sporophytes that produced identical spores (isosporous or homosporous) but the ancestors of the gymnosperms evolved complex heterosporous life.

Ceratopteris is the only genus among homosporous ferns that is exclusively aquatic.

Antheridiogens are only observed in homosporous fern species, as all gametophytes are potentially bisexual (have the.

In the homosporous families.

classification artificially split the ferns, Christian Luerssen subdivided the homosporous ferns only into Eusporangiatae and Leptosporangiatae in 1884–9.

observed, allowing an incredibly comprehensive study of the life cycle of homosporous ferns in a relatively short time period.

Most fern species (with a few exceptions, namely the Salvineales) are homosporous and lack sex chromosomes.

non-vascular plants, as well as many lycophytes and most ferns, are homosporous (only one kind of spore is produced).

All representatives must have been homosporous.

while the remaining lycophyte family Lycopodiaceae (Club Mosses) is homosporous.

All sphenophylls are homosporous, with monolete or trilete spores.

favoured an increase in propagule size compared with the smaller spores of homosporous plants.

Some lycophytes are homosporous while others are heterosporous.

In homosporous organisms, all spores look alike and grow into individuals carrying reproductive.

stems arising from horizontal rhizomes, a simple vascular cylinder, homosporous and terminal eusporangia and a lack of roots.

homosporous's Meaning':

characterized by homospory

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