hornblende Meaning in Bengali
এম্ফিবোল দলের কালো খনিজ করার জন্য একটি সবুজ; ক্যালসিয়াম এবং সোডিয়াম এবং ম্যাগনেসিয়াম এবং লৌহ সিলিকেট নিয়ে গঠিত
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hornblende's Usage Examples:
Hornblende is a complex inosilicate series of minerals (ferrohornblende – magnesiohornblende).
These lamellar (flat, planar) minerals include micas, chlorite, talc, hornblende, graphite, and others.
is composed predominantly of sodium-rich plagioclase plus pyroxene or hornblende.
Biotite and amphiboles often in the form of hornblende are more abundant in granodiorite than in granite, giving it a more distinct.
/æmˈfɪbəlaɪt/) is a metamorphic rock that contains amphibole, especially hornblende and actinolite, as well as plagioclase.
silicate minerals plagioclase feldspar (typically andesine), biotite, hornblende, and/or pyroxene.
It has the following mineral assemblages: In metabasites: hornblende + plagioclase ± epidote, garnet, cummingtonite, diopside, biotite In metapelites:.
contains only hornblende, has the same composition as some of the camptonites of the same locality that contain feldspar and hornblende of a different.
Calc-alkaline volcanic rocks are rich in hornblende and orthpyroxene andesite, hornblende andesite and quartz-hornblende dacite are also common.
Vogesite contains hornblende and orthoclase.
Spessartite contains hornblende and plagioclase.
Dacite consists mostly of plagioclase feldspar and quartz with biotite, hornblende, and pyroxene (augite or enstatite).
allied to this group are the hornblendites, consisting essentially of hornblende and other amphiboles.
Biotite, hornblende, pyroxene and scarce olivine or quartz are common accessory minerals.
This gives way to hornblende, plagioclase, pyroxene, and garnet in the hornblende hornfels facies, which in turn gives way to.
typical material; for this reason, the mineral has been known as Labrador hornblende or paulite.
granular aggregates of clear green hornblende: in fact the original structure disappears.
In Norway scapolite-hornblende rocks have long been known at Ødegården.
about 200 yards with a bed encumbered by large rocky masses, chiefly of hornblende rock, containing spangles of mica and small garnets.
metamorphism in some of the surrounding basalt and left behind epidote, hornblende, albite and uralite in the rocks.
hornblende's Meaning':
a green to black mineral of the amphibole group; consists of silicates of calcium and sodium and magnesium and iron