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horns Meaning in Bengali

 শিঙা, শৃঙ্গ, শিঙ্গা, শুঙ্গ, তূরী, পশুশৃঙ্গ, বিষাণ, রামশিঙ্গা, ভেঁপু, তুরি, তূর্য, হুল, খড়গ,


খড়গ, হুল, তূর্য, তূরী, তুরি, ভেঁপু, রামশিঙ্গা, বিষাণ, পশুশৃঙ্গ, শিঙ্গা, শৃঙ্গ, শুঙ্গ, শিঙা,


ভেঁপু বাজান, শিঙা দিয়া গুঁতান, শিঙ্গা বাজান, শিঙা বাজান,

horns's Usage Examples:

herbivorous diet, small brains (400–600 g) for mammals of their size, one or two horns, and a thick (1.

The sign of the horns is a hand gesture with a variety of meanings and uses in various cultures.

Most horns have lever-operated rotary valves, but some, especially older horns, use piston valves (similar to a trumpet's).

In mammals, true horns are found mainly among the ruminant.

Unlike deer antlers, which are shed and grown annually, antelope horns grow continuously.

John saw it "rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

In horns, unlike some other brass instruments such as the trumpet, the bore gradually.

all male bovids have two or more horns, and in many species, females possess horns, too.

The size and shape of the horns vary greatly, but the basic structure.

Bearing a large bony frill, three horns on the skull, and a large four-legged body resembling that of a rhinoceros.

natural sounds on the modern horn in the solo part and requires four natural horns in the orchestra.

A horn section is a group of musicians playing horns.

by beaks, rows of shearing teeth in the back of the jaw, elaborate nasal horns, and a thin parietal-squamosal shelf that extends back and up into a frill.

paintings of children have frequently depicted girls as having matching ox horns, while boys have a single bun in the back.

types of horns used on bicycles include battery-operated horns (sometimes even car horns on 12-volt circuits are incorporated) and small air horns powered.

It had thick horns above the eyes, a feature unseen in all other carnivorous dinosaurs, and.

size of their horns.

Females grow a pair of smaller, thinner horns which develop considerably more slowly than the males'.

The ibex's horns appear at birth.




fall; unalarming; alarming; fearlessness; stay in place;

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