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house fly Meaning in Bengali


house fly's Usage Examples:

species around the world appear similar to the housefly, such as the lesser house fly, Fannia canicularis; the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans; and other members.

among which are some of the most familiar of all flies, such as the house fly.

Stomoxys calcitrans is commonly called the stable fly, barn fly, biting house fly, dog fly, or power mower fly.

gene identified in this family is the CYP12A1 from the Musca domestica (house fly), which is involved in insecticide resistance.

approximately the amount of work done (or energy consumed) by one common house fly performing one "push up", the leg-bending dip that brings its mouth to.

The lesser house fly or little house fly, Fannia canicularis, is somewhat smaller (3.

When a larger dipteran fly, as big as a house fly, landed nearby, the mantis at once seized and ate it.

scientist who is transformed into a grotesque creature after a common house fly enters unseen into a molecular transporter with which he is experimenting.

about 1 cm long and are grey in colour, but otherwise resemble the common house fly.

strongly resembles the house fly but is in a different family, the Sarcophagidae, or flesh-flies.

It is a little larger than the house fly, and has the same.

smaller and more slender than the house fly, Musca domestica, and is similar in appearance to the lesser house fly, Fannia canicularis.

1995 — a hoverfly Syrphidae Fannia rondanii (Strobl, 1893) — a lesser house fly Fanniidae Tabanus rondanii Bellardi, 1859 — a horsefly Tabanidae from.


mansion; frat house; lodge; building; lodging house; bungalow; row house; maisonnette; gatehouse; dwelling house; habitation; hacienda; chapterhouse; domicile; dwelling; cottage; mansion house; cabin; garret; detached house; doll's house; study; villa; saltbox; town house; guesthouse; library; duplex; attic; abode; soddy; beach house; country house; edifice; fraternity house; duplex house; sod house; boarding house; single dwelling; home; loft; boardinghouse; hunting lodge; ranch house; rooming house; residence; semidetached house; safe house; maisonette; manse; farmhouse; hall; solar house; porch; dollhouse; chalet; tract house; adobe house;


unidirectional; single; foreign; Heaven; stay in place;

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