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huic Meaning in Bengali



huic's Usage Examples:

libertate / hanc sta(tuam maiesta)tis eius / auri splend(ore fulge)ntem huic / sublimi colu(m)na(e ad) perennem / ipsius gloriam imposuit ac dedicavit.

[Sanctae Theologiae Professor] qui per xxvii annos huic Collegio benignissime praefuit et obdormivit in Xto ix Kal.

operibus ditior: si silent viscera pauperum loquatur marmor quantum legavit huic parochiae, quantum col(legiae) Gon(ville) (et) Cai(us) Cant(abrigiae), quantum.

24 ff “huic verbo (voluptatis) omnes qui Latine sciunt, duas res subiciunt, laetitiam.

ebrios ocellos illo purpureo ore suaviata, ‘sic’ inquit ‘mea vita Septimille, huic uni domino usque serviamus, ut multo mihi maior acriorque ignis mollibus.

Abbey, between those to Chaucer and Drayton, with the motto "Honos erit huic quoque pomo" from the title page of Philips' work Cyder.

treated with the peace with which you treat others" (Matthew 10:13)), "pax huic domui" ("peace to this house" (Luke 10:5)), "pax vobis" ("peace be with you".

those to Geoffrey Chaucer and Michael Drayton, with the motto "Honos erit huic quoque pomo" (Honor this fruit) from the title page of Philips' work Cyder.

quoihauelod could denote a hiatus as in ahēn(e)us, huhuic (i.

bisyllable huic).

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