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humanists Meaning in Bengali

humanists's Usage Examples:

During the Renaissance period most humanists were religious, so their concern was to "purify and renew Christianity".

will simply describe themselves as "ethical humanists" or "humanists".

Secular humanists and religious humanists organize together as part of larger national.

Many secular humanists derive their moral codes from a philosophy of utilitarianism, ethical.

Self-described religious humanists differ from secular humanists mainly in that they regard the humanist life stance as.

Among humanists he enjoyed the sobriquet "Prince of the Humanists," and has been called "the crowning glory of the Christian humanists.

working to stimulate the Western and Eastern cooperation between Marxist humanists, Fromm published a series of articles entitled Socialist Humanism: An.

that Christian humanists not only discussed religious or theological issues in some or all their works (as did all Renaissance humanists) but according.

advisory board of the Secular Coalition for America, a group of atheists and humanists.

Marxist humanists argue that Marx himself was concerned with investigating similar questions.

This is a partial list of notable secular humanists.

scholar and poet of early Renaissance Italy, and one of the earliest humanists.


man of letters; classical scholar; scholarly person; bookman; student; scholar; classicist; philologue; philologist;


brute; cold-blooded; cruel; fell; painful;

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