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hydathodes Meaning in Bengali

একটি বিল ভূপৃষ্ঠ বা উচ্চতর গাছপালা পাতার মার্জিন পানি exudes

hydathodes's Usage Examples:

Examples include glandular hairs, nectaries, hydathodes, and the resin canals in Pinus.

different: The Gunneraceae are a mesophilic herb (often oversized), and the hydathodes are well developed and secrete mucilage or perhaps a resinous coating.

(Z)-gamma-bisabolene + diphosphate This enzyme is expressed in the root, hydathodes and stigma of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana.

that are studded with glands that function as resin glands as well as hydathodes.

forces some water to exude through special leaf tip or edge structures, hydathodes or water glands, forming drops.

feeoides has frequent hydathodes on the upper surface of the fronds, while in S.

plantaginea, hydathodes are absent or infrequent.

plant injuries or the natural openings in plants such as stomata and hydathodes during periods of high humidity or when the foliage is wet.

Their veins are at most a few times forked, and lack hydathodes.

The natural route of invasion by Xcc is through the hydathodes, though leaf wounds caused by insects and plant roots may also be portals.

Its veins are at a 55-60° angle, and hydathodes are lacking.

pinnate-pinnatifid in cutting, bearing free veins which usually end in hydathodes on the upper surface of the leaf.

cutting, rarely pinnatifid or bipinnatifid, bearing free veins which lack hydathodes at their terminus.

Leaves decussate or alternate, with narrow base, and several hydathodes on lower face along margins.

Some species have hydathodes, some of which are cretaceous (leaving a lime deposit on the leaf around.

long-stalked, rounded to heart-shaped, usually slightly toothed, with prominent hydathodes, and often wither early.

Instead, he believed that extrafloral nectaries were excretory in nature (hydathodes).

Setae on the leaf tissue are borne singly, rather than in clusters, and hydathodes (enlarged vein endings) do not secrete a chalk precipitate.

palmatinerved, bifacial, rarely isofacial, in Angelisia and Anamirta with hydathodes derived from trichomes, domatia present in 5 genera as pits or hair tufts.

hydathodes's Meaning':

a pore that exudes water on the surface or margin of a leaf of higher plants

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