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hyracoid Meaning in Bengali



hyracoid শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ওয়েল্ডিং স্ল্যাগ হ'ল এক ধরনের স্ল্যাগ, বা কাচতুল্য উপাদান যা কিছু আর্ক ওয়েল্ডিং প্রক্রিয়ার উপজাত হিসাবে উত্পাদিত হয়, সুনির্দিষ্টভাবে শিল্ডেড মেটাল ।

ফাটল শঙ্খাকৃতি থেকে অমসৃণ সংসক্তি ভঙ্গুর কাঠিন্য মাত্রা ৭.৫ ঔজ্জ্বল্য কাচতুল্য থেকে অভেদ্য; চিটচিটে যখন মেটামিক্ট ।

কাচতুল্য সিউডোটাচিলাইট ।

hyracoid's Usage Examples:

The descendants of the giant "hyracoids" (common ancestors to the hyraxes, elephants, and sirenians) evolved in.

Dimaitherium is an extinct hyracoid which existed in what is now Egypt, during the late Eocene period.

Pliohyracidae is an extinct family of hyracoid mammal.

From Asia came the hyracoid Pliohyrax, the cervid Dicrocerus, and the suid Listriodon.

Titanohyrax is unusual among the numerous Paleogene hyracoids by its lophoselenodont teeth (having teeth that are lophodont and selenodont.

three modern families is thought to have been some kind of amphibious hyracoid.

cheek teeth show similarities to early Perissodactyls, as well as the hyracoid Seggeurius, while the lower cheek teeth more closely resemble those of.

Living and extinct hyraxes (hyracoids) also exhibit a toothcomb, although the number of tines in the comb vary.

postorbital ligament, occur as polymorphisms within a number of pteropodid and hyracoid taxa.

"A primitive hyracoid (Mammalia, Paenungulata) from the early Priabonian (Late Eocene) of Egypt".

Early Oligocene  Libya A saghatheriid hyracoid, a species of Thyrohyrax.

Revision of the fossil material of hyracoids from the Oligocene Malembo locality (Angola) is published by Tabuce et.

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