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iambics Meaning in Bengali

আয়াত iambs গঠিত লাইন



iambics শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

প্রযুক্তিগতভাবে একটি পাঁচমাত্রার সুর বলার জন্য, এই ক্ষেত্রে, শব্দের সাথে দ্বিমাত্রিক পরিমাপক ব্যবহার করা ।

iambics's Usage Examples:

1858: Reginald Broughton (Balliol) for comic iambics: Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part I, Act 2 Sc.

Greek lyric poet Hipponax, who wrote "lame trochaics" as well as "lame iambics".

the capture of Jerusalem, and of a synopsis of the Scriptures, all in iambics; and of commentaries on liturgical poems.

was the author of a poem consisting of upwards of three hundred Greek iambics, entitled Περὶ τῆς ῾Ιερᾶς Τέχνης (Perì tês Hierâs Tékhnēs, in Latin "De.

As he was also a writer of iambics and choliambics, many scholars have supposed him to be identical with the.

poems or passages in different metres, by turning Homer into elegiacs or iambics, and recasting pieces of Euripides or Menander as epigrams.

About five thousand verses of his poetry, most in trimetric iambics, have come down to us.

two books and iambics.

He was the first to write iambics according to.

Archelaus may refer to: Archelaus (poet), author of a long poem in iambics called "Περὶ τῆς ῾Ιερᾶς Τέχνης" Archelaus (geographer), author of a work on.

They are called Mimiamboi (Greek: μιμίαμβοι, "Mime-iambics"), or mimes.

(born 1814) Gaisford Prize – Harry Hammond House (Corpus Christi) for iambics "No.

It contains also some iambics of the monk Bessarion on the death of Theodora.

were not strictly "song lyrics" in the modern sense, such as elegies and iambics.

" A difference between Latin and Greek iambics was that the Latin senarius was partly accentual, that is to say the words.

one of the two young men is associated with trochaics, the other with iambics.

poetry in antiquity written in elegiac form rather than the more common iambics or hendecasyllabics.

iambics's Meaning':

a verse line consisting of iambs

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