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ictuses Meaning in Bengali

হঠাৎ সংঘটন (অথবা পুনরাবৃত্তি


ছন্দের চিহ্ন,

ictuses's Usage Examples:

the two instances of ictuses moved to the right tend to set a deliberate pace, whereas the following two instances of ictuses moved to the left suggest.

and follows with a mid-line reversal ("dreaming"), which places three ictuses in a row: × × / / / × × / × / Of the wide world dreaming on things to come.

sensitive reader will place an accent on "my" which in turn will allow ictuses to rest on "my" and "is", producing the well-formed iambic pentameter scanned.

instant at which the beat occurs is called the ictus (plural: ictūs or ictuses), and is usually indicated by a sudden (though not necessarily large) click.

unusual case in which three stressed syllables in a row function as three ictuses, rather than one of them being demoted (as typically happens) to a nonictus.

implied syllables squeezed into the metrical template between the first 2 ictuses:- / ×(×) (×)× / × / × / × / × / Flies o'er th'unbending corn, and skims.

ictuses's Meaning':

a sudden occurrence (or recurrence


convulsion; attack; absence seizure; raptus hemorrhagicus; raptus; seizure; focal seizure; absence;


defend; praise; refrain; end; finish;

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