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identifiably Meaning in Bengali

identifiably's Usage Examples:

Midnight blue is identifiably blue to the eye in sunlight or full-spectrum light, but can appear black.

To be considered a true xenolith, the included rock must be identifiably different from the rock in which it is enveloped; an included rock of.

Proglottids are identifiably pseudophyllid as the genital pore and uterine pore are located on the.

A Horse's Neck is an American cocktail recognised by the IBA, identifiably sporting a long, curling strip of lemon rind.

hypothetical frame of reference in which the laws of physics might appear to be identifiably different (simpler) from those in other frames.

Specials are some that were supposedly more identifiably Jewish, resulting in last names that were not identifiably so.

term "nucleus" is in some cases used rather loosely, to mean simply an identifiably distinct group of neurons, even if they are spread over an extended area.

French classical styles often have an identifiably national character, ranging from the clarity and precision of the music.

to find a style that brings his partners to the fore while remaining identifiably himself.

to as a Brummie) does not speak with a strong Brummie accent but is identifiably from the West Midlands.

international versions both depict a sword hilt on the cover, a more identifiably "heavy metal" image than the original German cover, which has a doorway-type.

Likewise, if a film is not identifiably a thriller, it is probably not an erotic thriller but simply a work of.

animals, nearly 87% of its 11,514 predicted protein-coding genes are identifiably similar to known genes in other animals.

The first step was to define the problem: a method of identifiably duplicating colonies.

, the head of Seagram, to be an identifiably Israeli liqueur.

acuminata have been found dating to 20 million years ago, and of plants identifiably belonging to the Magnoliaceae date to 95 million years ago.

contact with another language in a neighbor population without having identifiably higher or lower prestige.

Some of the forms were identifiably of Greek origin, others were Turkish and even of Slavic or of more obscure.

The earliest inscriptions found which are identifiably Maya date to the 3rd century BCE in San Bartolo, Guatemala.

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