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idolatrous Meaning in Bengali

 প্রতিমাউপাসনাকর, পরম ভক্তিশীল, প্রতিমাপূজাসম্বন্ধীয়, পৌত্তলিক,


প্রতিমাপূজাসম্বন্ধীয়, পরম ভক্তিশীল, প্রতিমাউপাসনাকর,

idolatrous's Usage Examples:

Manasseh is recorded in the Bible as one of the most idolatrous kings of Judah (2 Kings 21:1–18; 2 Chronicles 33:1–9).

and consider Christianity to be based on Jewish belief and not truly idolatrous.

(which is basically any item that the idolater is likely to offer in an idolatrous service or commit an immoral act with).

to Austen scholar Claudia Johnson Janeitism is "the self-consciously idolatrous enthusiasm for 'Jane' and every detail relative to her".

generally tolerated by other Muslims, on the grounds that the artifacts are idolatrous or Shirk; harboring of Al Qaeda or other extremists; a discriminatory.

Amon is most remembered for his idolatrous practices during his short two-year reign, which led to a revolt against.

as King David in Psalm 106:28-31 for having stopped Israel's fall into idolatrous practices brought in by Midianite women, as well as for stopping the desecration.

Council guidelines declared the statues "un-Islamic" and potentially idolatrous.

with others on what defined an idolatrous practice.

According to Atapanus and Pseudo-Aristeas some Jews were idolatrous on the cognitive level.

Amaziah was an idolatrous priest of Bethel (Book of Amos 7:10–17), who lived during the reign of Jeroboam II.

"Bálványos" in Hungarian means "idolatrous", so the name of the fortress can be loosely translated into "the Castle.

Mecca, and a number of other pagan items, which were destroyed in 630 as idolatrous.

Unlike astrolatry, which usually implies polytheism, frowned upon as idolatrous by Christian authors since Eusebius, astrotheology is any "religious system.

The citizens continued in their idolatrous ways and Allah destroyed their city in a great storm.

The two non-idolatrous sub-sects, viz.

Catholic images and rituals, many of which he considered superstitious and idolatrous.

Due to the danger of idolatrous material analogy, Kabbalists historically restricted esoteric oral transmission.

from attacks by fiery flying serpents, and destroyed by King Hezekiah as idolatrous.

whose tomb King Josiah protected and preserved when he destroyed the idolatrous tombs in Bethel (2 Kings 23:16, 17) and whom some rabbis identify as Iddo.




coldhearted; unloving;

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