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illegalizing Meaning in Bengali

অবৈধ ঘোষণা; দস্যু

illegalizing's Usage Examples:

nations, the justice system considers a human life "priceless", thus illegalizing any form of slavery; i.

February, 2015, a new Islamgesetz was passed by the Austrian parliament, illegalizing foreign funding of mosques and paying salaries of imams.

sex was added as a protected class under the Fair Housing Act, thus illegalizing sex discrimination in housing.

regard to negotiating political asymmetries of power: on the one hand, by illegalizing such traditionally exercised ‘trials of strength’, and on the other,.

Act compelled Native Americans to adopt European American culture by illegalizing Indigenous cultural practices and forcibly indoctrinating settler cultural.

Additionally, Dodd-Frank offers job security to whistleblowers by illegalizing termination or discrimination due to whistleblowing.

(19-20) Meanwhile a protective law had been passed in Athens illegalizing proposals on the use of the money in the theorika, especially if the.

decision legalizing same-sex marriage and the approval of Proposition 8 illegalizing it are still considered valid, including the marriage of Del Martin and.

Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage and the approval of Prop 8 illegalizing it are still considered valid.

ruled that the Negev Bedouin had no land ownership claims, effectively illegalizing their existing settlements.

effectively block any physician-assisted suicide or act of euthanasia by illegalizing any acts that kill a person, assist in their suicide or accelerate their.

Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage and the approval of Prop 8 illegalizing it are still considered valid, including the marriage of Del Martin and.

illegalizing's Meaning':

declare illegal; outlaw


veto; outlaw; disallow; criminalise; prohibit; interdict; illegalise; nix; ban; proscribe; criminalize; censor; forbid;


decriminalize; allow; permit; decriminalise; legalize;

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