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ills Meaning in Bengali



ক্ষতি, দুর্বৃত্তি, বদমাশি, অমঙ্গল, অশুভ,


খিট্খিটে, অসৎ, কঠিন, প্রতিকূল, ভ্রমপূর্ণ, ভ্রমাত্মক, দুর্ভাগ্যজনক, বিকৃতমূর্তি, ক্ষতিকারক, ক্ষতিকর, অমঙ্গলের লক্ষণপূর্ণ, অমঙ্গলসূচক, অমঙ্গলজনক, অমঙ্গলকর, অমঙ্গলকারী, দু:সাধ্য, সুস্থ নহে এমন, ব্যায়রামী, ব্যাধিগ্রস্ত, পীড়িত, অশুভ, মন্দ, খারাপ, অসুস্থ,


মন্দভাবে, কষ্টসহকারে, প্রতিকূলভাবে, অন্যায়ভাবে, ভুল করিয়া, অসুস্থভাবে,

ills's Usage Examples:

issue" has a broad meaning in the United States, as it refers not only to ills to be solved but also to any topic of widespread debate, involving deeply-held.

Uranus who had found scientific cures for aging, disease, crime, and other ills, they were later retconned as a colony of the Eternals, an offshoot of humanity.

reflect his dedication to the Name of God which he describes as "cure for all ills of the world.

Idvallo is said by Geoffrey to have reigned righteously to mend the ills his cousin had brought.

emphasized sexual continence and strict self-discipline as a solution to societal ills, tracing prostitution, drug use and illegitimacy to rapid urbanization.

a contention that it is impossible to cure people or societies of their ills through treatment.

' a playfully pungent rock-and-roll critique of social and environmental ills, and 'Copperline,' a nostalgic ballad remembering his North Carolina roots.

high blood pressure and so on, down the whole catalog of psychosomatic ills, adding a few more which were never specifically classified as psychosomatic.

addressing concerns about pollution, deforestation, and other environmental ills.

Cartoons for his satirical comics which attacked corruption and political ills.

Its original goals were to eradicate the ills of the existing caste system including untouchability and on a grander scale.

small right-wing parties such as Pan-Iranist Party, it blamed all the social ills of Iranian society on the Muslim conquest of Persia.

It's a concept album in which the protagonists are put to the index of the ills of society (drug dealers, greedy, racist, political, etc.

commercialization and rampant construction activity contributing to pollution and other ills.

"If public health is the field that diagnoses and strives to cure social ills, then understanding political causes and cures for health problems should.


paralytic; spastic; queasy; scrofulous; seasick; seedy; rickety; laid low; gouty; dyspeptic; delirious; bronchitic; indisposed; liverish; bedrid; ailing; airsick; bedfast; sick-abed; unhealed; unhealthy; stricken; swooning; lightheaded; afflicted; unwell; faint; feverish; recovering; autistic; bilious; light-headed; peaked; feverous; sickly; consumptive; rachitic; livery; green; light; convalescent; hallucinating; palsied; unfit; upset; sickish; milk-sick; paralyzed; sick; under the weather; diabetic; carsick; aguish; air sick; dizzy; tubercular; woozy; vertiginous; nauseated; bedridden; laid up; poorly; tuberculous; sneezy; paraplegic; nauseous; funny; giddy;


unalarming; sane; fit; well; healthy;

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