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illusory Meaning in Bengali

 মায়াময়, অলীক, অস্তিত্বহীন, কপট, মায়াত্মক, প্রপঁচময়, প্রপঁচিত, বিভ্রমজনক, অবাস্তব, অসার, অপার্থিব, মিথ্যা, ছলনাময়, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, অসাধ্য, মোহ, দু:সাধ্য, ভ্রমাত্মক, অধরা, মায়াময়, মায়াত্মক,


দু:সাধ্য, অসাধ্য, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, ছলনাময়, মিথ্যা, অপার্থিব, অসার, অবাস্তব, বিভ্রমজনক, প্রপঁচিত, প্রপঁচময়, মায়াত্মক, কপট, অস্তিত্বহীন, অলীক, মায়াময়,

illusory's Usage Examples:

The brain areas activated during illusory tactile perception are similar to those activated during actual tactile.

In the field of social psychology, illusory superiority is a condition of cognitive bias wherein a person overestimates their own qualities and abilities.

It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of.

In psychology, illusory correlation is the phenomenon of perceiving a relationship between variables (typically people, events, or behaviors) even when.

The illusory truth effect (also known as the illusion of truth effect, validity effect, truth effect, or the reiteration effect) is the tendency to believe.

In contract law, an illusory promise is one that courts will not enforce.

The illusory continuity of tones is the auditory illusion caused when a tone is interrupted for a short time, during which a narrow band of noise is played.

the literature and subdivided it into two clinically relevant groups: illusory palinopsia and hallucinatory palinopsia.

generally similar to its surroundings, but effectively invisible with "illusory transparency" through accurate mimicry, and by changing the appearance.

Illusory brightness and depth ordering frequently accompany illusory contours.

Friedrich Schumann is often credited with the discovery of illusory contours.

gyulü (Tibetan: སྒྱུ་ལུས, Wylie: sgyu lus; S: māyākāyā) – the yoga of the illusory body.

also attained the illusory body.

The illusory body has the markings and signs of a Buddha.

There is an impure and a pure illusory body, depending on.

pantheism, denies the reality of the universe, seeing it as ultimately illusory (the prefix "ἀ-" in Greek meaning negation; like "un-" in English), and.

Sometimes the name "Ehrenstein" is associated with one of the illusory contour figures where the ends of the dark segments produce the illusion.

shown that stereotypes can develop based on a cognitive mechanism known as illusory correlation – an erroneous inference about the relationship between two.

had great differences; this is often referred to as an illusory conjunction.

Specifically, illusory conjunctions occur in various situations.

The term illusory motion, also known as motion illusion, is an optical illusion in which a static image appears to be moving due to the cognitive effects.


illusive; unreal;


natural; realistic; real;

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