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illuviation Meaning in Bengali



illuviation's Usage Examples:

The process of deposition of illuvium is termed illuviation.

accumulating leached and eluviated materials is referred to as a zone of illuviation.

accumulation of this material (illuvial deposit) in lower levels is called illuviation.

at natural surfaces (particle, pore, or ped) in soil materials due to illuviation.

bleached subsurface horizon (an albic horizon) that tongues into a clay illuviation (Bt) horizon.

Clay illuviation, if present, is not significant.

chemical alteration of parent material and intensified eluviation and illuviation of soil minerals within the surface soil and subsoil layers (the solum).

Dispersive soils are more common in older landscapes where leaching and illuviation processes have had more time to work.

from the A Horizon, a zone of out-washing, to the B Horizon, a zone of illuviation.

Clay Cutans inherently indicate illuviation and therefore may indicate the presence of a petroleum seal in an underlying.

minerals A: absent in most boreal podzols E: common, is ashen grey and leached in Fe and Al B: always, receives Fe and Al through illuviation C: common.

(eluviation), while the bottom facets gain materials when these are washed in (illuviation).

horizon characterized by phyllosilicate clay accumulation (suggesting illuviation of such clay from above).

They have subsurface horizon formation but show little eluviation and illuviation.

suspended materials from the upper layers (eluviation) to the lower layers (illuviation), including clay particles and dissolved organic matter.

diluvian, diluvium, elute, elution, eluvial, elluviation, eluvium, illuviation, illuvium, lutaceous, lutite, pollution lun- moon Latin lūna circumlunar.

called eluviation) and accumulates in the subsoil (a process called illuviation).

illuviation's Meaning in Other Sites