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imaginatively Meaning in Bengali

imaginatively's Usage Examples:

May 1996, the bridge was Grade I listed as "a highly important and imaginatively-designed iron road bridge by Thomas Telford, engineer, a significant.

However, it can still be effective if used imaginatively".

is a one-day open-air festival at which more than 35 "colourful and imaginatively designed floors" are presented by clubs, event organisers, record labels.

idea that research in the arts and humanities should be as fully and imaginatively funded as research in the social or natural sciences.

The doll house of the complex has been imaginatively developed by displaying 29 different types of dolls that represent the.

extreme is the argument that the poem is about artists in North America imaginatively cultivating the reality of the New World with exuberant disregard for.

Hauptmann's play inspired Respighi to create his most lavishly and imaginatively orchestrated operatic score, which frequently reminds the listener of.

Relationships between species in early science fiction were often imaginatively parasitic, with the parasites draining the vital energy of their human.

superbly executed, Barlowe's visualization of an alien world falls short imaginatively and is naturalistically unconvincing.

They have been described as "epic" and "imaginatively written", and compared to the Boy's Own Paper and the works of Agatha.

These imaginatively re-visited the concepts of Italian 16th-century designers.

Elizabeth Anderson wrote that the book "[encouraged] young adult readers to imaginatively approach their own encounters with religious difference.

appeal of an independent society, operating outside the law, has been imaginatively evocative for centuries, but in eighteenth-century London philosophical.

Edwin Lutyens, a major 20th century British architect who is known for imaginatively adapting traditional architectural style, had a special liking for this.

Fantasy – taps respondents' tendencies to transpose themselves imaginatively into the feelings and actions of fictitious characters in books, movies.

people in a tiny, tiny theatre, and he did that one imaginatively, but this one he did not do imaginatively and it was very clunky.

provide an environment worthy of imitation, where children can play imaginatively and creatively.

On diaspora she argues that diasporas are internally heterogeneous, imaginatively constructed, transnational moral communities of co-responsibility.

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