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immense Meaning in Bengali

 অপরিমেয়, প্রকান্ড


অতি বৃহৎ, অনন্ত, অনবধি, অমেয়, অপ্রমেয়, প্রকাণ্ড, বিরাট, অগাধ, বিপুল, বিশাল, বিস্তীর্ণ, অপরিসীম, অসীম, অপার, অঢেল, অপরিমেয়,

immense শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অরূপ ধ্যান হল: ১) আকাশ অনন্ত আয়তন ধ্যান: ধ্যানী অসীম আকাশকে অবলম্বন করে ধ্যান করে থাকে ।

এ দেবতাগণের দেবানুভাব অতিক্রম করে অপরিমেয় বিপুল দীপ্ত বিশ্বে প্রাদুর্ভূত হবে ।

র‍্যাঁবোর কাব্যদর্শনের মূল কথাই ছিল স্বেচ্ছাধীন স্বতঃস্ফূর্ততার মাধ্যমে অসীম, অনন্ত ও অচেনা এক জগতের সন্ধান ।

immense's Usage Examples:

Viltrumite race, a humanoid species of extraterrestrial origin who possess immense super powers, working as a superhero on Earth.

Yggdrasil (from Old Norse Yggdrasill), in Norse cosmology, is an immense and central sacred tree.

A Matrioshka brain is a hypothetical megastructure of immense computational capacity powered by a Dyson sphere.

media The Laniakea Supercluster (Laniakea, Hawaiian for open skies or immense heaven), is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way and approximately.

He was punished for cheating death twice by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it neared the top.

It lies to the south-southwest of the immense walled plain Hertzsprung, and is located within that impact basin's broad.

northern valley wall (wallrock boundary) of the downstream portion of the immense Kasei Valles outflow channel system.

They spend the night in a building that turns out to be the glove of an immense being, Skrymir.

The character's comedic value relies heavily on his immense incompetence and irresponsibility as a police officer, as well as his laziness.

lake, until, twenty-five miles away, it was lost in an immense canon, beyond which two immense jets of vapor rose to a height of probably three hundred.

The men's team has enjoyed immense success, having won the Thomas Cup five times, most recently in 1992 and.

side aisles of approximately equal height, often united under a single immense roof.

from folklore believed to dwell in the sea and often imagined to be of immense size.

This process was so immense and commonplace, that nearly 20% of the US Black (making them a mixed Afro-European.

The Ultimate Nullifier is a fictional device of immense power appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

74 million in 2011) means that real estate holds immense potential because of population density.

influence of the studies and publications of Cort on Jainism "have been immense", and in some respects dominated the field of Jain studies.

country which has two hundred and forty-six varieties of cheese?" There is immense diversity within each variety of cheese, leading some to claim closer to.

Steel coasters have earned immense popularity in the past 50 years throughout the world.


vast; large; Brobdingnagian; huge; big;


nonpregnant; humble; stingy; small; little;

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