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immured Meaning in Bengali

 জেলে দেত্তয়া, জেলে পাঠান, কারারূদ্ধ করা, কয়েদ করা, প্রাচীরবেষ্টিত করা, নিজেকে অবরুদ্ধ করা, অবরুদ্ধ অবস্থায় রাখা, জেলে পোরা,


অবরুদ্ধ অবস্থায় রাখা, নিজেকে অবরুদ্ধ করা, প্রাচীরবেষ্টিত করা, কয়েদ করা, কারারূদ্ধ করা, জেলে পাঠান, জেলে দেত্তয়া,

immured's Usage Examples:

If that vow of chastity was broken, the offending priestess was immured alive as follows: When condemned by the college of pontifices, she was.

An immured anchorite, considered by many to be a myth, is a Tibetan monk who has taken a vow to spend his life permanently sealed inside a small walled.

Ugolino della Gherardesca, his sons and two grandsons were immured in the tower and starved to death in the 13th century.

A group of large Gothic sculptures, currently immured next to the south portal of the church, was possibly intended for a new.

Notable are the original ceramic pots which have been immured in the vault of the church, as a way to improve the acoustics.

the religious ceremonies were not being duly attended to, she was found guilty of a breach of chastity and immured.

Fateh Daud fled to a fort where he immured himself and was finally pardoned by Mahmud of Ghazni on the promise of.

After being immured for a period in the fortress of Verkhne-Kamchatsk, in 1713 he joined Ivan.

The Roumanians of Transylvania think that he whose shadow is thus immured will die within forty days; so persons passing by a building which is in.

A runestone is immured in the church porch.

In the 19th century the book was discovered immured in a niche of the church known as the "Elena Basilica" of "St.

In the 'Walling of Skadar' Vukasin contrives to get his brother's wife immured as a foundation sacrifice to the Vila.

The disgruntled Louis XV had him immured in the citadel of Montpellier.

entrances to some of them were walled up (James Brady as examples leads immured caves of Dos Pilas and Naj Tunich).

He died from starvation after being immured in the prison walls.


put away; imprison; incarcerate; jug; remand; lag; put behind bars; confine; jail; gaol; detain;


increase; enable; rush; accelerate; free;

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