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impactions Meaning in Bengali

হচ্ছে শর্ত ঘনিষ্ঠভাবে একসঙ্গে এবং দৃঢ়ভাবে স্থির চাপা

impactions's Usage Examples:

Only 5% of large intestinal impactions at referral hospital involve the cecum.

Primary cecal impactions usually consist of dry feed material.

medical conditions cause fecal impactions; these conditions should be treated to reduce the risk of future impactions.

The high prevalence of tooth impactions and dental infections that occur in the bones of the jaws is also significant.

"Ingested foreign objects and food bolus impactions".

Intestinal impactions usually occur in foals and around four to ten months of age, additionally impactions can be diagnosed with an abdominal.

"Extraction of follicular horny impactions the face by polymers.

"Management of ingested foreign bodies and food impactions" (PDF).

called "wisdom teeth") are frequently extracted because of decay, pain or impactions.

Such impactions can rapidly devolve and cause severe tissue injury in as little as two.

deer: Pathology of the natural disease and its relation to oral food impactions.

from mild bloating due to excess intestinal gas to life-threatening impactions.

Brief communication: Possible third molar impactions in the hominid fossil record.

thought it would give her a new start due to the name and performs fecal de-impactions all day long for older people.

impactions's Meaning':

the condition of being pressed closely together and firmly fixed


upset; disorder;


calm; organized; untroubled;

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