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impastos Meaning in Bengali

ছবির কথা রঙ্গক ঘন যাতে ব্রাশ বা প্যালেট ছুরি চিহ্ন দৃশ্যমান প্রযোজ্য

impastos's Usage Examples:

process is very physical in the paint handling and is characterized by rich impastos.

"Aronson's luscious impastos depict Manhattan's skyscrapers and concrete canyons, Paris's stately buildings.

They are painted in thick, multilayered impastos, gestural, heavily textured, and sometimes with a sense of horror vacui.

Harvey Dunn, he didn't pursue the style of painterly brushstrokes and impastos.

to use paint as a malleable material, almost pastes to model in thick impastos to converge the qualities of mass, color and light.

Ask/ART: Jess Jess: To and From the Printed Page exhibition of Jess's impastos from his "Translation" series together with many of his collages and designs.

encaustic painting on large canvasses to build up layers with thin washes and impastos, then scratches, splatters, gouges and picks at the paint to create incised.

By painting lyrical atmospheres with broad and layered impastos on a series of landscapes from Rovinj, Belgrade and more often Lika, he.

Orchard in Blossom (F406) was painted for Theo for May Day with "a frenzy of impastos of the faintest yellow and lilac on the original white mass.

emotion visible in the molten forces bubbling up from his surfaces in thick impastos, luscious and rich with jewel-like tone, a painterly approximation of the.

Smears, glazes, washes, impastos, scumbles, blotches and the like build an uneven surface of the painting.

Romero Schuler: Life and Works, showcasing images of the artist’s thick impastos and striking figural canvases in addition to providing readers a look into.

Guggenheim Museum, the relatively spare composition is punctuated by thick impastos or forceful marks.

fashion with spatula or palette knife," his pieces "combined wash and impastos or ink and pastel with emulsion seeking a luminous gem-like quality.

expressionism leads to visionary transformations, in an intense dance of chromatic impastos, with furious, explosive strokes of pigment.

He always used bright and lively colours and used light impastos to represent fabrics.

impastos's Meaning':

painting that applies the pigment thickly so that brush or palette knife marks are visible

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