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impediment Meaning in Bengali

 অন্তরায়, প্রতিবন্ধক, বাধা, ব্যাঘাত, বাধাবিঘ্ন, অপায়, দেরী, বিলম্ব, মুলতুবি, লটবহর, উপসর্গ, বোঁচকা বুঁচকি, তোত্লামি, তোতলামো, অন্তরায়, বাগজড়তা,


উপসর্গ, লটবহর, মুলতুবি, বিলম্ব, দেরী, অপায়, বাধাবিঘ্ন, ব্যাঘাত, বাধা, প্রতিবন্ধক, অন্তরায়,

impediment's Usage Examples:

In the canon law of the Catholic Church, an impediment is a legal obstacle that prevents a sacrament from being performed validly and/or licitly.

of the Catholic Church, the impediment of public propriety, also called public honesty or decency, is a diriment impediment to marriage, a prohibition.

When the impediment had affected only one of the parties and the other was unaware of the impediment, only the one aware of the impediment must renew.

In Catholic canon law, affinity is an impediment to marriage of a couple due to the relationship which either party has as a result of a kinship relationship.

Even when stabilized by persistent cold weather, they can be an impediment to glacier travel.

De-rhotacism is not always considered a speech impediment.

security guard in a supermarket (although Tolstykh said he had speech impediment which barred him from serving in the Ukrainian army).

sometimes called disparity of worship (Disparitas Cultus), is a diriment impediment in Roman Catholic canon law: a reason why a marriage cannot be validly.

Roman Catholic canon law, an existing marriage tie, which constitutes an impediment to the contracting of a second marriage.

Clandestinity is a diriment impediment in the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church.

raise any canonical or civil legal impediment to the marriage, so as to prevent marriages that are invalid.

It added the impediment of clandestinity and established the canonical form of marriage for validity.

An obstacle (also called a barrier, impediment, or stumbling block) is an object, thing, action or situation that causes an obstruction.

Defect of birth was, under former Roman Catholic canon law, a canonical impediment to ordination as a result of illegitimacy.

was most frequently invoked to enable laity to marry notwithstanding impediments of affinity or kinship, and to enable persons labouring under an irregularity.


closure; structure; bar; construction; preventive; stop; hindrance; impedimenta; hitch; block; obstructor; interference; encumbrance; obstructer; blockade; barrier; hinderance; tumbler; blockage; stoppage; incumbrance; preventative; obstruction; occlusion; obstacle;


unclog; nonintervention; noninterference; free; activeness;

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