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impenitence Meaning in Bengali

 অনুতাপশূন্যতা, অনুতাপহীনতা, অননুতপ্ততা, খেদশূন্যতা,

তাওবা করতে অস্বীকার বৈশিষ্ট্য



impenitence's Usage Examples:

In other words, one damns oneself by final impenitence (refusal to repent), as taught by John Paul II: The images of hell that.

expansion of the prophets, they further linked Sodom to the sins of impenitence (Matthew 11:23), careless living (Luke 17:28), fornication (Jude 1:7.

some other relatives had been burned by the Inquisition in Seville for impenitence, that she herself had been implicated in the crime, and that she had.

all sorts, without any provocation from them, and are hardened in your impenitence.

having to say you're sorry: Releasing Latimer now in the face of his impenitence would put public safety at risk".

perceived by some as the sin, while others see it fundamentally being impenitence: If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust.

, willful impenitence.

During conversion, one is moved from impenitence to repentance.

life, although he may sin for his human frailty, however cannot fall in impenitence.

historian argued Charles I and his chancellery aimed to emphasize the impenitence of the traitorous Peter with the false narrative.

bishop or spiritual father, so that the devil may not accuse them of impenitence.

he cannot truly repent; that is, he cannot cancel the sin of final impenitence by contrition, or be under the obligation not to have the sin.

impenitence's Meaning':

the trait of refusing to repent


obstinacy; self-will; pigheadedness; impenitency; stubbornness; obstinance; bullheadedness;


irresoluteness; tractability;

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