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impertinences Meaning in Bengali

 তুচ্ছতা, বেহায়াপনা, ধৃষ্টতা, ধার্ষ্টামি, জেঠাম, ঠেঁটাম, নির্লজ্জতা, প্রগল্ভতা, সাহস, ঔদ্ধত্য, অপ্রাসঙ্গিকতা, অকারণ প্রবেশ, গোস্তাকি,

একটি লজ্জাহীন বিবৃতি


অকারণ প্রবেশ, ঔদ্ধত্য, সাহস, প্রগল্ভতা, নির্লজ্জতা, ঠেঁটাম, জেঠাম, ধার্ষ্টামি, ধৃষ্টতা, বেহায়াপনা, অপ্রাসঙ্গিকতা, তুচ্ছতা,

impertinences's Usage Examples:

Auden, saying, "I regard such things as premature impertinences.

continued to harass and annoy his long-suffering benefactor with fresh impertinences.

eventually released on bail with the loss of his "books, pictures, and other impertinences".

All the impertinences of the different peoples among whom I have lived have reconciled me.

acknowledged that Philippe's treatment of her was less offensive than the impertinences his entourage indulged in at her expense, and the lack of protection.

impertinences's Meaning':

an impudent statement


perkiness; sauciness; fun; archness; playfulness; pertness;


politeness; graciousness; civility; soothe; oldness;

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