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impiously Meaning in Bengali

পাপাচারী পদ্ধতিতে

impiously's Usage Examples:

of stealing gold intended for the Parthenon's statue of Athena, and of impiously portraying himself and Pericles on the shield of the statue.

He also had several daughters, who spoke impiously of the image of Dionysus wearing a black aegis, and were driven mad by.

this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are, therefore, deservedly.

Shapur was convinced that this had happened by God’s will, because he had impiously persecuted the people of Christ.

authority for their idolatry 41 God alone sustains the heavens 42 The Quraish impiously reject their Prophet 43 They shall receive the punishment bestowed upon.

All were shuddering, fleeing, shunning the contagion, impiously exposing their own friends, as if with the exclusion of the person who.

offer thee for ourselves and for all our families, as well as for all who impiously blaspheme thee, not knowing what they say.

the Sun, and in some translations called Hyperion, Helios' cattle are impiously killed and eaten by Odysseus' crew.

our Lord, who is our alone Redeemer and Saviour; but that they think impiously, who deny that the saints, who enjoy eternal happiness in heaven, are.

through you [come] wrath and trials on the generations of men who live impiously.

through you (are) wrath and trials on the generations of men who live impiously.

to an archaic myth in which Dionysus is slaughtered as a bull calf and impiously eaten by the Titans.

Though Odysseus warns his men, when supplies run short they impiously kill and eat some of the cattle of the Sun.

adversary who constrains his capacity to do good" and said that Christians "impiously divide the kingdom of God, creating a rebellion in it, as if there were.

No work of art has ever been treated more impiously.

The term ἀσεβής (asebēs) then came to be applied against those who impiously denied or disrespected the local gods, even if they believed in other.

impiously's Meaning':

in an impious manner

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