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impregnates Meaning in Bengali

 গর্ভবতী করা, গর্ভাধান করা, ফলবতী করা, উর্বর করা, পরিপূর্ণ করা, পরিব্যাপ্ত করা, উচ্ছৃবসিত করা,

একটি নির্দিষ্ট মানের সঙ্গে যেমন পূরণ


উচ্ছৃবসিত করা, পরিব্যাপ্ত করা, পরিপূর্ণ করা, উর্বর করা, ফলবতী করা, গর্ভাধান করা, গর্ভবতী করা,

impregnates শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

টি গ্রামের ৩৮,০০০ হেক্টর (৩০৮ বর্গকিমি) এলাকায় উন্নত অবকাঠামো দ্বারা পরিপূর্ণ করা হয়েছিল, কিন্তু ১৯৯০-এর দশকে ভারতীয় অর্থনীতিতে ব্যাপক বৃদ্ধি দেখা দেয় ।

জীবন ধরন বা জীবনের গুণ বর্ধিত করা স্বাস্থ্য বৃদ্ধি উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষাগুলোকে পরিপূর্ণ করা জীবনের একটি অসমসাহসিক বা কঠিক কর্ম অথবা ব্যক্তিগত স্বশাসনের সূত্রপাত ।

ওলার মধ্যে খাবারে পরিপূর্ণ করা হত এবং তা আগুনে গরম করা হত ।

impregnates's Usage Examples:

He impregnates the queen and commands that she name their child Tydorel.

back from England to the States to see his wife for several hours and impregnates her, accidentally leaving her to deal with the consequent scandal when.

which King David sees Bathsheba bathing and, entranced, seduces and impregnates her.

that Pip accidentally impregnates Aiza during their schedules in late nights (The same scene where Pip accidentally impregnates the woman he did not met.

However, he impregnates her before leaving her forever.

Their leader, Ho San (Weaver Lee), rapes the girl and impregnates her, but later abandons his political beliefs.

occupy a living person's body for a time, and joins, or spiritually "impregnates" the existing soul.

and Kathy (Carol Pastinsky), a more sexually available girl whom Tom impregnates.

to completely break away from adolescence and into adulthood when he impregnates a girl with whom he had a one-night stand; to his friends' surprise,.

girl" and has been central to a controversial storyline in which she impregnates a fellow female character without their consent.

Zeus impregnates her in the form of a golden shower (some accounts say it is her uncle, Proetus, who impregnates her).

Ninlil and impregnates her with the god Ninazu.

Finally, Enlil impersonates the "man of the boat"; once again, he seduces Ninlil and impregnates her with.

The demon rapes and impregnates a young model.

mysteriously disintegrates into particles, which cocoons the boat and impregnates it with an aggressive alien predator that attacks the crew.

The baloma is that spirit of a deceased lineage member which impregnates the women while bathing in the sea, perpetuating the matrilineage intragenerationally.

However, the relationship falls apart when Dillon has an affair with and impregnates his stepsister Lulu Spencer (Julie Marie Berman).

Ty, in one week, impregnates his ex-girlfriend Jen, his married next door neighbor Maureen, and his.

Derby, and impregnates Mrs.

forced into street hustling and ever-expanding life of crime when one impregnates the sister of the other and they need to get the money to pay for her.

Rostam leaves after he impregnates Tahmina and his horse is returned.

impregnates's Meaning':

fill as with a certain quality


bang up; fertilize; inseminate; prang up; fecundate; fertilise; knock up;


unclutter; unseal; break; abstain; fire;

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