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imprimis Meaning in Bengali


imprimis's Usage Examples:

Cupimus imprimis (January 18, 1952) is an apostolic letter of Pope Pius XII to all the faithful in China regarding their persecutions and the persecution.

was published in Bentham and Hooker's Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata definita in three volumes between 1862.

Pliny calls Epigenes a writer of first-rate authority (gravis auctor imprimis).

anima, aëris et aurae numen), Vili or Hoenir as the "heavenly light" (lux, imprimis coelestis) and Vé or Lódur as "fire" (ignis, vel elementalis vel proprie.

Ludwig Blume in his publication Rumphia, sive, Commentationes botanicæ imprimis de plantis Indiæ Orientalis.

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