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impugn Meaning in Bengali

 কথা বা যুক্তি দ্বারা আক্রমন করা


সত্যতা অস্বীকার করা, যুক্তিবলে আক্রমণ করা, বাক্যবলে আক্রমণ করা,

impugn's Usage Examples:

serving Queen's Advocate argued that suing the Crown was an "attempt to impugn the royal prerogative".

Westminster Hall at the coronation banquet and challenge all comers who might impugn the King's title.

Robinson, as a famed African-American baseball player, was called on to impugn Robeson.

jury denial or neglect of public counsel appointment no opportunity to impugn witnesses against you breaches of due process, such as precedent established.

Thaksin has raised concerns of a possible conflict of interest that could impugn his impartiality and credibility in his role as an analyst of the Thai economy.

But he was very concerned about national affairs, and wrote many poems to impugn those affairs of state.

broken parole and daily reporting was being implemented, this was taken to impugn on his honour.

Astraea's gone indeed, let hope go too! Who is it dares impugn the natural law? Deny God’s word "the faithless wife shall die?" Lady Justice.

To impugn a contract means attacking the integrity of the contract.

this interest was later motivated by the desire of Shi'ite theologians to impugn the character of the first three leaders of the Rashidun Caliphate, Abu.

"Mayor says she may be in conflict over museum: Husband's ties impugn her bid to stop `takeover'".

security profession, or the Association; and Not intentionally injure or impugn the professional reputation or practice of colleagues, clients, or employers.

but he was contractually obliged not to impugn the film and he was told that using a pseudonym would impugn it.

", which could impugn the target's success as a fluke.

"King Solomon loved many strange women" (I Kings 11:1), it does not mean to impugn his chastity; but it implies that he transgressed the Biblical inhibition.

Westminster Hall at the coronation banquet, and challenge all comers who might impugn the King's title.

"Iraqi lawyer to impugn charge against Bush shoe thrower".

One noted occasion led him to impugn the government who seemed content the country be little more than 'a cowyard'.

movement right from its beginnings, seeking to analyse its methods and impugn its motives, Theroux just gets right in there and jabs it in the ribs, that.





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