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inanely Meaning in Bengali

inanely's Usage Examples:

The ghettoes sink deeper into despair while southside gobshites chatter inanely about the Celtic Tiger.

kidnapped villagers begin to reappear, but acting curiously, and all grinning inanely.

men in attendance, dismissing them as "fags" who "flit by" chattering inanely.

heaviness with compositional skill, "Pursuit of Honor" is above all else inanely energized.

"did not lead on"; refugees in the bedroom who do nothing but comment inanely on television programmes; attempts to get scrambled egg from a saucepan.

Following an awkward dinner where Lenny inanely praises Midwestern produce as having "no deceit", Mr.

Already by the tender age of 12, despite her inanely compassionate and tranquil demeanor, there was no denying that Becky posed.

Hospital), morose, indifferent and evasive, either silent or laughing inanely.

" He describes the book's first 185 pages as "inanely repetitive".

sounding like something Rachel Stevens would've recorded while grinning inanely at a lame kitten".

He had a tendency to giggle inanely; Loon was also prone to carrying a teddy bear (much to the annoyance of.

from Ce Ce (no relation) Rogers' classic garage tune 'Someday' — to the inanely cheery lyrics.

Guillotine (Whitehouse) and Peter Jones becomes John Lewis (Enfield); smiling inanely while insulting the contestants, who have submitted a ludicrous idea such.

Casey Kasem N/A Bluestreak often talks incessantly and inanely.



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