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inauthentic Meaning in Bengali

মিথ্যা বা জাল; না কি এটা উপস্থিত হতে পারে

inauthentic's Usage Examples:

or localization of an existing work that is loose, unauthorized, or inauthentic.

American music; Sartre said jazz is authentic and Adorno said jazz is inauthentic.

example, in most northern European medieval reenactment cotton is an inauthentic material—as opposed to wool or linen—though it would be authentic in.

and he has defended both projects against accusations that they are inauthentic.

blogs are usually a type of scraper site, where content is often either inauthentic text or merely stolen (see blog scraping) from other websites.

Bury argues of the Second Letter that it is "fairly certain" that it is inauthentic, based primarily upon conflicts he sees between "the general tone" and.

social conformity, consistency, or inauthentic behaviour).

It was intended to "mock" the inauthentic blues bands of the day.

concertos (two for oboe and 10 for violin), of which three are considered inauthentic: Nos.

God, the argument from inconsistent revelations, and the argument from inauthentic belief.

defective arguments, lack of humor, and style; those who consider it inauthentic date its composition to the 3rd or 2nd centuries BC.

A media event being a kind of planned event, it may be called inauthentic in contrast to a spontaneous one.

their own practice of Wicca is authentic, as opposed to that of the inauthentic "fluffy bunny".

Fakelore or pseudo-folklore is inauthentic, manufactured folklore presented as if it were genuinely traditional.

143 (inauthentic) Allegro Adagio Allegro Concerto No.

exceptionalism of Christianity, or that other understandings of humanism are inauthentic.

(sahih); whereas Shi'a Muslims reject it[citation needed] as fabricated or inauthentic (mawdoo).

Roma in turn regard non-Bergitka Roma as of low social status and as "inauthentic Roma".

inauthentic's Meaning':

false or fake; not what it appears to be


counterfeit; imitative; unauthentic; spurious;


genuine; sincere; natural; true; nonimitative;

inauthentic's Meaning in Other Sites