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incandescence Meaning in Bengali

 শ্বেততাপ, ভাস্বরতা, জ্বলিয়া ত্তঠার অবস্থা, তাপোজ্জ্বলতা, ভাস্করতা, প্রভমানতা, গনগনে ভাব, উত্তাপজনিত শুভ্রতা,


জ্বলিয়া ত্তঠার অবস্থা, ভাস্বরতা, শ্বেততাপ,

incandescence's Usage Examples:

The light is produced by a combination of incandescence and candoluminescence.

This distinguishes luminescence from incandescence, which is light emitted by a substance as a result of heating.

of ash rising one or two kilometres into the air, occasional crater incandescence, and frequent avalanches of incandescent blocks.

Laser-induced incandescence (LII) is a non-intrusive method of measuring time-resolved soot particle volume fraction and primary particle sizes in flames.

(Laser Homing Attack or Laser Homing Anti-Tank, also a Hebrew word for incandescence) is a third generation semi-active laser homing guided low-weight anti-tank.

anger of Wully and Christie against him has not lost a degree of its incandescence.

This is distinct from black body light emission resulting from heat (incandescence), a chemical reaction (chemiluminescence), sound (sonoluminescence).

denote a device capable of measuring the temperature of an object by its incandescence, visible light emitted by a body which is at least red-hot.

Instead, they used a ceramic rod that was heated to incandescence.

AD 52, in Roman numerals 52 (number) in Roman numerals Laser-induced incandescence, a method of measuring particle sizes in flames Legal Information Institute.

Sumedha Buddha in this fashion: Sumedha, hard to attack, of intense incandescence, supreme sage in all the world.

Vapor from the chamber burns, heating a mantle to incandescence and also providing heat.

action in flames, be higher than the blackbody emission expected from incandescence at the same temperature.

most familiar in the area near a metal object when it is heated to incandescence in a vacuum.

The carbon electrode is then heated to incandescence by collisions by ions which constitute the electric current.


brightness; brightness level; light; luminance; luminosity; luminousness;


light; dullness; dark; bright; dull;

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