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incites Meaning in Bengali

 উদ্দীপ্ত করা, খেপান, উদ্দীপিত করা, উদ্রেক করা, উত্তেজিত করা, শক্তিবর্ধন করা, সক্রিয় করা, উদ্রি্ত করা, প্রবর্তনা দেত্তযা, উন্মেষিত করা, সঁচারিত করা, প্রণোদিত করা, খোঁচা দেত্তয়া,


সঁচারিত করা, উন্মেষিত করা, প্রবর্তনা দেত্তযা, উদ্রি্ত করা, উদ্রেক করা, সক্রিয় করা, শক্তিবর্ধন করা, উত্তেজিত করা, উদ্দীপিত করা, খেপান, উদ্দীপ্ত করা,

incites's Usage Examples:

some members of the law enforcement community asserting that the genre incites crime.

The pest characterization has been used derogatorily, as a player who incites anger in the opposition but is unwilling to directly confront the result.

doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets (encourages, incites) another person in the commission of a crime (or in another's suicide).

was produced through the use of torture: "For the fear of punishments incites men to say what is contrary to the nature of the facts".

Dictionnaire Infernal, These works describe Gaap as a prince in human form who incites love.

Natabhairavi is known to be a rāgam that incites feelings of grandeur and devotion in the listeners.

A schismatic is a person who creates or incites schism in an organization or who is a member of a splinter group.


syringae incites frost development, freezing the buds of the plant and destroying the occurring.

stay in New York and moves in with Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick) until she incites a major falling out.

In the subplot, Bart's "Down with homework" T-shirt incites a school riot, so Principal Skinner implements a uniform dress code.

He incites attack on the fortress.

It typically incites large, usually irregular galls on roots as a result of parasitism.

She incites warriors to battle and can help bring about victory over their enemies.

to his Hackley, Alabama hometown as his sister is dying of cancer, it incites the suspicion of notable town officials.

He is perceived as a spirit of violence that incites people to perform violent acts.

(hostel, banquet hall) at Dún Rudraige (Dundrum, County Down), where he incites three heroes, Cúchulainn, Conall Cernach, and Lóegaire Búadach, to compete.


strike; motivate; impress; make; cause; affect; do; actuate; prompt; move; propel;


stand still; enter; follow; fall; advance;

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