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inclose Meaning in Bengali

 ঘেরাত্ত করা, অবরুদ্ধ করা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, বেষ্টন করা, ঘিরে ফেলা, ঘেরা, ঘিরা, আটক করা, ভিতরে রাখা, বেড়া দেত্তয়া,

সম্পূর্ণরূপে ঘিরে


বেড়া দেত্তয়া, ভিতরে রাখা, আটক করা, ঘিরা, ঘেরা, ঘিরে ফেলা, বেষ্টন করা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, অবরুদ্ধ করা, ঘেরাত্ত করা,

inclose's Usage Examples:

should in future times extend beyond the north wall (the second wall) and inclose Gibeat Gareb and Gibeat Goath.

the stećak tombstone and the tomb of the Bosnian Knyaz Batić Mirković is inclose proximity to the fortified city of Dubrovnik, which, like the surrounding.

spot the beauty of thy budding name! O, in what sweets dost thou thy sins inclose! That tongue that tells the story of thy days, Making lascivious comments.

investing yourselves with your dignity, with your legislative power, you inclose yourselves within the religion of your oath.

In 1298 the de Lacys were granted permission to inclose 30 acres (12 ha) pertaining to the manor of Wadenhoe, lying within the.

Archer, Groom Porter to Queen Anne, who at the latter date was licensed to inclose two roads in Hale between South Charford and Woodgreen.

arms extend northwestward; and joining near the mouth of Stikine River inclose Wrangell Island.

and development In 1792 an Inclosure Act enabled William Currie MP to inclose most of Horsley Common at the northern end of the parish and the common.

In 1558 it was agreed that Richard Brakyn could inclose all 34 acres of Albrach, following which it was renamed Kings Hedges (without.

more or less regular, spiral grooves of somewhat varying width, which inclose spaces between them of a width about equal to the grooves.

The Rector of Ashridge was allowed to inclose 3 acres (1.

suffragan Thomas Weell, titular Bishop of Pavada (near Istanbul, Turkey), to "inclose Joan Hethe, nun of the priory of the Blessed Mary juxta Derby, for a solitary.

In 1758 the manor court gave permission for the vicar and others to "inclose and fence in - a certain piece or parcel of land, lying on Wimbledon Common.

the south side of the channel, which sir John Rogerson was obliged to inclose John W.

I therefore inclose two scribbles with which I would not otherwise have troubled you.

The lirae, between the spiral striations and the axial lines of growth, inclose numerous small pits, giving the entire surface between the sutures the.

wrote: In relation to the use of your welcome tone-sustaining pedal I inclose two examples: Danse des Sylphes, by Berlioz, and No.

the prays therof to God, who had wrought so wonderfuly for them, thus to inclose their enimise in their hands, and give them so speedy a victory over so.

each side of the hall, spanning nearly the entire length of the body, inclose the boxes and galleries, and give them the appearance of being recessed.

inclose's Meaning':

surround completely


shut in; enclose; eat up; wall in; hedge in; bower; close in; shrine; glass; skirt; border; fort; cordon off; ring; glass in; rope off; corral; casket; insert; bank; fence; fence in; frame; wall up; swallow up; frame in; bury; environ; embower; tuck; surround; incase; fortify; enshrine; encapsulate; immerse; case; dyke; dike; encase; rope in; swallow; hedge;


confront; open chain; detach; silence; disarrange;

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