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incommensurate Meaning in Bengali

 সাধারণ মান নাই এমন

আকার বা ডিগ্রী বা ব্যাপ্তি সংশ্লিষ্ট না


অপরিমেয়, অমেয়, বেঢপ, বেখাপ, সমানুপাতহীন, অপর্যাপ্ত, অপ্রতুল,

incommensurate শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অপ্রতুল-তথ্য (ইংরেজি: Data Deficient, DD) আইইউসিএন লাল তালিকায় কোন একটি প্রজাতি বা উপপ্রজাতির একটি সংরক্ষণ অবস্থা ।

বাংলাদেশের প্রতি অপরিমেয় ভালবাসার জন্য বাঙ্গালী জাতির কাছে তিনি বিশেষভাবে সম্মানিত ও স্মরণীয় ব্যক্তিত্ব ।

সেসব প্রজাতি ও উপপ্রজাতিকে অপ্রতুল-তথ্য ।

প্রজাতি বা উপপ্রজাতি সম্পর্কে এধরনের মূল্যায়ন করা সম্ভব হয় নি, তাদের অপ্রতুল-তথ্য শ্রেণীর অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয়েছে ।

তাই, দীর্ঘকাল যাবৎ ব্যবহৃত হওয়া দুই রাজ্যের শ্রেণিবিন্যাস পদ্ধতি অপর্যাপ্ত বলে পরিগণিত হল ।

incommensurate's Usage Examples:

This is called an incommensurate structure.

ethics, two values (or norms, reasons, or goods) are incommensurable (or incommensurate, or incomparable) when they do not share a common standard of measurement.

A set of incommensurate frequencies is required to perform the transform and most frequencies.

understanding numerous experimental observations on commensurate and incommensurate structures,as well as accompanying phase transitions, in magnets, alloys.

Server also hosts the B-IncStrDB: Bilbao Incommensurate Crystal Structures Database, a database for incommensurately modulated and composite structures.

pregnant[citation needed], as well as increasing the fees for land usage incommensurate with the produce of the land.

Quasiperiodically driven systems forced by incommensurate frequencies are natural extensions of periodically driven ones and are.

Their theoretical description of the structure and symmetry of incommensurate crystals using higher dimensional superspace groups also included the.

low-dimensional magnetism, as well as spatially modulated, commensurate and incommensurate structures in solids.

as well as the analysis of transformations between commensurate and incommensurate superstructures in two-dimensional systems, the Pokrovsky-Talapov transition.

He is best known for his work on commensurate and incommensurate spatially modulated superstructures in solids, with realizations in.

structure studies, a theory of incommensurate structures of polytypes of silicon carbide, and a model for incommensurate and framework structures of minerals.

may occur when two crystalline surfaces slide over each other in dry incommensurate contact.

numbers can have two incommensurate periods without being constant.

History describes the history of IPE as having led to two separate and incommensurate camps: 'American' IPE and 'British' IPE.

unobtrusively demonstrating that the most acute critical perception is not incommensurate with the deepest appreciation of his subjects' human circumstances.

However, a CDW whose wavelength is incommensurate with the underlying atomic lattice, i.

been attributed to positional disorder of the A-site cations alongside incommensurate oxygen octahedral tilting Strontium barium niobate is one of numerous.

wave is said to be commensurate; otherwise the density wave is termed incommensurate.

they are incommensurate), the trajectory is no longer closed, and the limit cycle becomes a.

incommensurate's Meaning':

not corresponding in size or degree or extent


incommensurable; disproportionate; unequal;


commensurate; equal; comparable; proportionate;

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