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incompressible Meaning in Bengali

 অসংনম্য, অসংকোচনীয়, চাপ দিয়ে সঙ্কুচিত করা যায় না এমন, দৃঢ় এবং অনমনীয়,



incompressible শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

প্রবাহী গতিবিজ্ঞানে, একটি অসংনম্য তরল প্রবাহ ক্ষেত্রের প্রতি বিন্দুতে একক আয়তনে গতিশক্তিকে সেই বিন্দুতে ।

এবং তরলের মধ্য প্রধান পার্থক্য হচ্ছে এই যে, বাস্তব ক্ষেত্রে তরল পদার্থ অসংনম্য, কিন্তু সব গ্যাসই সংনম্য এবং তরল পদার্থ একটি নির্দিষ্ট আয়তন দখল করে এবং ।

গবেষণাপত্র দুটি প্রকাশ করেন যাদের বিষয়বস্তু ছিল যথাক্রমে তরলের গতি এবং অসংনম্য তরলের ধ্রুব গতি ।

কোয়ান্টাম হল অবস্থা (ইংরেজি: Quantum Hall state) বলতে এক ধরনের অসংনম্য তরল অবস্থাকে বোঝায় ।

incompressible's Usage Examples:

}\right)=\mu \,\nabla ^{2}\mathbf {u} } because ∇ ⋅ u = 0 for an incompressible fluid.

In fluid mechanics or more generally continuum mechanics, incompressible flow (isochoric flow) refers to a flow in which the material density is constant.

The simple form of Bernoulli's equation is valid for incompressible flows (e.

modelled as an incompressible flow.

} If a fluid is incompressible the divergence of u {\displaystyle \mathbf {u} } is zero: ∇ ⋅ u = 0.

In incompressible fluid dynamics dynamic pressure (indicated with q {\displaystyle q} , or Q, and sometimes called velocity pressure) is the quantity defined.

The Euler equations can be applied to incompressible and to compressible flow – assuming the flow velocity is a solenoidal.

fundamental relationship between pressure, density, and flow velocity for incompressible flow known today as Bernoulli's principle, which provides one method.

sufficiently large, meaning that it contains a properly embedded two-sided incompressible surface.

In mathematics, an incompressible surface is a surface properly embedded in a 3-manifold, which, in intuitive terms, is a "nontrivial" surface that cannot.

determine the approximation with which a flow can be treated as an incompressible flow.

mathematical theory of knots, a satellite knot is a knot that contains an incompressible, non boundary-parallel torus in its complement.

For an incompressible and isotropic Newtonian fluid, the viscous stress is related to the.

Frequently, it is assumed that the flow is incompressible, that is, the velocity field satisfies ∇ ⋅ u = 0 {\displaystyle \nabla.

A Conway sphere is essential if it is incompressible in the knot complement.

In vector calculus a solenoidal vector field (also known as an incompressible vector field, a divergence-free vector field, or a transverse vector field).

stress-strain relationship can be defined as non-linearly elastic, isotropic, incompressible and generally independent of strain rate.

Nasal glioma is a rare benign congenital lesion, usually a firm, incompressible, reddish-blue to purple lesion occurring on the nasal bridge or midline.

In an incompressible flow, stagnation pressure is equal to the sum of the free-stream static.

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