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incorporeal Meaning in Bengali

 অশরীরী, অমূর্ত, অনঙ্গ, নিরবয়ব, দেহাতীত, দেহাতিরিক্ত, বিদেহী, অকায়, অতনু, অঙ্গবিহীন, অঙ্গহীন, নিরাকার, আধ্যাত্মিক, অবাস্তব, অপার্থিব, বিমূর্ত, ,

উপাদান ফর্ম বা পদার্থ ছাড়া


অবাস্তব, আধ্যাত্মিক, নিরাকার, অঙ্গহীন, অঙ্গবিহীন, অতনু, অকায়, বিদেহী, দেহাতিরিক্ত, দেহাতীত, নিরবয়ব, অনঙ্গ, অমূর্ত, অশরীরী,

incorporeal's Usage Examples:

Incorporeality is "the state or quality of being incorporeal or bodiless; immateriality; incorporealism.

The undead may be incorporeal (ghosts) or corporeal (mummies, vampires and zombies).

Intangible property, also known as incorporeal property, describes something which a person or corporation can have ownership of and can transfer ownership.

God is omnipresent and incorporeal.

2nd century BC), was a Stoic philosopher who denied the existence of incorporeal entities.

Under Scots law, a Scottish Prescriptive Barony by Tenure is now "incorporeal feudal heritage", not attached to the land and remains the only genuine.

corporeal and incorporeal.

Corporeal hereditaments are "such as affect the senses, and may be seen and handled by the body; incorporeal are not the subject.

representation of the presence of the kami, a being which is in itself incorporeal.

one or more components (rather than attributes), whether physical or incorporeal, of a person's estate; or so belonging to, as in being owned by, a person.

The edimmu were also thought to be completely or nearly incorporeal, "wind" spirits that sucked the life out of the susceptible and the sleeping.

similar to that of various other Tsuburaya Kyodai Heroes, is that he is an incorporeal alien being who, upon escaping the destruction of Planet Red, bonds with.

do we obtain knowledge of them? In Aristotle's view, universals are incorporeal and universal, but only exist only where they are instantiated; they.

of that which could not be passed by livery, and was applied only to incorporeal hereditaments, it became a generic term, applicable to the transfer of.

Spiritist centre is also believed by its members to have an informal and incorporeal level of existence in the spirit world which comprises its patron and.

At stake in particular was in what way Aristotle's account of an incorporeal soul might contribute to understanding of the nature of eternal life.

Bölükbaşı of his parliamentary immunity on grounds of "insulting the incorporeal personality of the parliament" and Bölükbaşı was arrested on July 2,.

distinction developed whereby the term intelligence referred to the incorporeal beings that governed the celestial sphere; see: passive intellect and.

A soul is the incorporeal essence of a living being.

Lords of Parliament, and although considered noble, their titles are incorporeal hereditaments.

incorporeal's Meaning':

without material form or substance


bodiless; spiritual; corporeality; immaterial; unbodied; physicalness; materiality; disembodied; discorporate; unembodied; corporality;


immateriality; bodied; corporeal; incorporeality; natural;

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