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increases Meaning in Bengali

 বৃদ্ধি, অগ্রগতি, সংখ্যাবৃদ্ধি, ধনবৃদ্ধি, উঠ্তি, বর্ধন, প্রবর্ধন, বাড়, চড়ন, চড়তি, আয়তনবৃদ্ধি, অগ্রগমন, বলন, পূরণ, উত্পাদন, লাভ, বংশধর, সন্তানসন্ততি, নিচয়, ঊর্ধ্বগতি,


ঊর্ধ্বগতি, নিচয়, সন্তানসন্ততি, বংশধর, লাভ, উত্পাদন, পূরণ, বলন, অগ্রগমন, আয়তনবৃদ্ধি, চড়তি, চড়ন, বাড়, প্রবর্ধন, বর্ধন, উঠ্তি, ধনবৃদ্ধি, সংখ্যাবৃদ্ধি, অগ্রগতি, বৃদ্ধি,


পূরণ করা, চাগা, চড়া, চড়ান, বর্ধিত করা, সংখ্যায় বৃদ্ধি করা, সংখ্যায় বৃদ্ধি পাত্তয়া, আয়তনে বৃদ্ধি করা, আয়তনে বৃদ্ধি পাত্তয়া,

increases's Usage Examples:

temperature of a liquid increases, the kinetic energy of its molecules also increases.

As the kinetic energy of the molecules increases, the number of molecules.

Commentators attributed these price increases to many factors, including Middle East tension, soaring demand from China.

Costly technology that increases business efficiency is more appealing as the price of labor increases.

The rate of cannibalism increases in nutritionally poor environments as individuals turn to conspecifics.

The amount of water vapor needed to achieve saturation increases as the temperature increases.

approved statewide increases in the state minimum wage.

The amounts of these increases ranged from "1 to "1.

70 per hour, and all increases were designed to.

norepinephrine increases arousal and alertness, promotes vigilance, enhances formation and retrieval of memory, and focuses attention; it also increases restlessness.

Exponential growth is a process that increases quantity over time.

games, as the difficulty of the challenge increases, the experience rewarded for overcoming it also increases.

fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, which activates phosphofructokinase 1 and increases the rate of glycolysis in response to the hormone glucagon.

good is a type of luxury good for which the demand for a good increases as the price increases, in apparent contradiction of the law of demand, resulting.

As boat speed increases from rest, the wavelength of the bow wave increases, and usually its crest-to-trough dimension (height) increases as well.

the pressure on an object decreases the volume of the object and thus increases its density.

A progressive tax is a tax in which the tax rate increases as the taxable amount increases.

when the internal energy of the solid increases, typically by the application of heat or pressure, which increases the substance's temperature to the melting.

economics, a luxury good (or upmarket good) is a good for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises, so that expenditures on the.

When average costs start falling as output increases, then economies of scale occur.

Cancer is one of the underlying diseases that increases the risk of COVID-19 developing to a serious illness.

describe what happens to long run returns as the scale of production increases, when all input levels including physical capital usage are variable (able.


appreciate; apprise; add to; full; gain; add; broaden; snowball; amass; change magnitude; pile up; deepen; intensify; irrupt; widen; climb; pyramid; crescendo; gather; apprize; wax; cumulate; revalue; accumulate; rise; conglomerate; grow; swell; pullulate; accrue; shoot up; heighten; compound; mount; explode; spike;


narrow; depreciate; take away; wane; decrease; decrescendo;

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