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inculcated Meaning in Bengali

 অভ্যন্তরে স্থাপন করা,


অভ্যন্তরে স্থাপন করা,

inculcated শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আক্রান্ত সমস্ত রোগীকে, কারাগারের অভ্যন্তরে স্থাপন করা একটি কোভিড তত্ত্বাবধান কেন্দ্রে, আলাদা করে রাখা হয়েছিল ।

তীক্ষ্ণ কার্ভে, গার্ড রেলগুলো অভ্যন্তরীণ রেলের অভ্যন্তরে স্থাপন করা যেতে পারে, যেখানে তারা ওই পাশে চাকার ফ্ল্যাঞ্জের পিছনে জড়িত হয় ।

শতাব্দীর) যারা আলমোরাভিডদের চেয়ে বেশি পবিত্র ছিলেন এবং মসজিদের অভ্যন্তরে স্থাপন করা আভিজাত্য সজ্জাকে অসন্তুষ্ট করেছিলেন, আলি ইবনে ইউসুফের অধীনে প্রবর্তিত ।

inculcated's Usage Examples:

He inculcated the rule to carry driving licenses compulsory.

on Screen (Animation Film Package)", "A Retrospective of Masters" are inculcated.

After a great battle of two magnificent warriors,Palavandishvili won and inculcated the name of warrior.

the Low Church (sometimes called Evangelical) party, representing views inculcated at the time in seminarians attending the Virginia Theological Seminary.

never imposed anything upon any one; it was his personal example that inculcated a sense of loyalty in his followers.

to neglect the first essential of independence, which he accordingly inculcated in his "Speranze or Hopes of Italy", in which he suggests that Austria.

Dravidian civilization theory during the second half of the 19th century inculcated a sense of pride in educated Tamils, eventually leading to the birth of.

biological-metabolic processes, the sociocultural habits of local culture inculcated into us, our role models, good and bad, how much responsibility the individual.

Cassirer, who had been schooled to see images as cultural documents and inculcated in the investigation of pictorial types.

Some of his earliest acting roles inculcated Sesame Street and at 17 he was on the Young and the Restless and Guiding.

Islamic values are inculcated into all disciplines.

a chapel where the exotic Roman faith of the father is maintained and inculcated.

His training inculcated in him a spirit for Nationalism and indoctrinated him with the Gandhian.

orthodox Christian thought, they might profitably be studied where they inculcated virtue, as in viewing the reflection of the sun in water before viewing.

these periodicals and advocating in the community "the principles they inculcated".

The book inculcated readers with ideas of chivalry and staunch Catholicism and stressed the.

activist and mayor of Gaza 1971—82, Shawa's revolutionary mindset was inculcated at a young age.

as an aftermath of the Fall of Dhaka in 1971, a two-party system was inculcated between the Peoples Party and Muslim League.

less-privileged, they are encouraged to live up to the Vincentian doctrines inculcated by the university, where "service to the poor, is service to God".

He inculcated skills in specimen preparation and illustration of details among his students.


drill; instill; din; infuse;



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