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indemnify Meaning in Bengali

 নিরাপদ্ করা, ক্ষতিপূরণ করা,


ক্ষতিপূরণ করা, নিরাপদ্ করা,

indemnify শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বাস্তবায়ন প্রক্রিয়ার সম্ভাব্য সমস্যাগুলির জন্য পূর্বনির্ধারিত এবং ক্ষতিপূরণ করা উচিত ।

উপাদান সংশ্লেষণ করে এই ক্ষতিপূরণ করার চেষ্টা করে ।

আর তার ফলে উৎপাদনকারীর সেই শ্রমকে মজুরির মাধ্যমে ক্ষতিপূরণ করা হয় ।

খাদ্যের পুষ্টিকর ঘাটতিগুলি প্রায়শই সহজেই উপলব্ধ অন্যান্য খাবারের জন্য ক্ষতিপূরণ করা যেতে পারে ।

নিঃসরণের ফলে যে পরিমাণ ক্ষয়-ক্ষতি হচ্ছে, কর উত্তোলনের মাধ্যমে তার ক্ষতিপূরণ করা সম্ভব নয় ।

নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণ অর্থ জমা করবে এবং যদি কারো ক্ষতি হয় তবে উক্ত জমা থেকে তার ক্ষতিপূরণ করা হবে ।

যদি বার্ধক্যের কারণে ক্ষতিপূরণ করা সম্ভব না হয়, তাহলে নতুন প্রজন্মের জীবের জন্ম দিয়ে আবার নতুন করে জীবন্ত ।

indemnify's Usage Examples:

the registrant can also demonstrate trademark rights (and post bond to indemnify the registry), or else get a court ruling in their favor.

duties, depending upon the jurisdiction: the duty to defend, the duty to indemnify, and the duty to settle a reasonably clear claim.

stating that she had taken Le Havre not for religious reasons but to indemnify her for the loss of Calais, which was rightfully hers.

almost all disclaim liability, 24 require the customer to indemnify them, a few indemnify the customer, a few give credits for poor service, 15 promise.

insurance company, or reciprocal, for example), agrees to compensate or indemnify another party (the insured, the policyholder or a beneficiary) for specified.

of Ontario, dealt with the question of whether or not Ontario had to indemnify Canada for the expenses incurred in negotiating the treaty and the ongoing.

Being unable to indemnify war damages, the insurance companies had their assets frozen.

this book and also extremely offensive way, which entails the duty to indemnify.

a romantic relationship within the company becomes known, in order to indemnify the company in case the employees' romantic relationship fails, primarily.

land and asked the Americans for return of the deeds and promised to indemnify them for any presents they had given.

Subscribers were able to indemnify each other when a member suffered some type of loss, but that led to delays.

The Chinese government was forced to indemnify the victims and make many additional concessions.

generally, is a contract in which the insurer agrees to compensate or indemnify another party (the insured, the policyholder or a beneficiary) for specified.

It is generally broader than the duty to indemnify and may cover defense against claims.

Emergency measures may not indemnify the government or individuals for illegal actions.

insurance normally imposes on issuing insurers duties both to defend and to indemnify insureds with respect to covered claims.

will be subject to taxes and the payer makes an additional payment to indemnify the recipient against the taxes – that payment will also be subject to.

In a total loss, the insurer must indemnify the assured in full, and ownership of the insured item thereby passes.

disqualify him, but he resigned it and a Bill was rushed through Parliament to indemnify him.


cover; underwrite; insure;


stay; disinherit; bottlefeed; breastfeed;

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