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inductance Meaning in Bengali




inductance শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

coefficient), k এর একটি ফাংশন, যা পারষ্পরিক আবেশাঙ্ক (mutual inductance), M এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত এবং মুখ্য ও গৌণ কুন্ডলির আবেশাঙ্ক যথাক্রমে Lp ও Ls, M = k L p L s {\displaystyle ।

আবেশাঙ্ক (হেনরি এককে) বিশিষ্ট একটি আবেশক এর জটিল প্রতিবন্ধকতা ZL ( ওহম এককে) হলো ।

গায়রেটর আবিষ্কার করেন (এমন একটি ডিভাইস যা কোনও একটিআরসি সার্কিটের পরিবর্তে আবেশাঙ্ক অনুকরণ করতে পারে, এইভাবে বিশ্রী কয়েল সমাবেশ থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়া গিয়েছিল) ।

বর্তনীর ধারকত্ব (capacitance, C {\displaystyle C\,} , ফ্যারাড এককে) এবং আবেশাঙ্ক (inductance, L {\displaystyle L\,} , এসআই একক হেনরিতে) এর গুণফলের গৌণিক ।

inductance's Usage Examples:

its inductance, which is the ratio of the voltage to the rate of change of current.

In the International System of Units (SI), the unit of inductance is.

electrical inductance.

If a current of 1 ampere flowing through a coil produces flux linkage of 1 weber turn, that coil has a self inductance of 1 henry.

conductor, not the inductance of a coil used as a circuit element.

The inductance of a coil is dominated by the mutual inductance between the turns of.

Leakage inductance derives from the electrical property of an imperfectly-coupled transformer whereby each winding behaves as a self-inductance in series.

the limiting factor being a combination of the winding inductance.

To overcome the inductance and switch the windings quickly, one must increase the drive.

LCR meter is a type of electronic test equipment used to measure the inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of an electronic component.

Combining this with the definition of inductance L = N Φ I , {\displaystyle L={\frac {N\Phi }{I}},} the inductance of a solenoid follows as L = μ 0 N 2.

to have inductance but no resistance or capacitance, while a real inductor, a coil of wire, has some resistance in addition to its inductance.

electrical networks, a parasitic element is a circuit element (resistance, inductance or capacitance) that is possessed by an electrical component but which.

If this inductor is too small or below the "critical inductance", then the inductor current slope will be discontinuous where the current.

discovered the electromagnetic phenomenon of self-inductance.

He also discovered mutual inductance independently of Michael Faraday, though Faraday was.

the total combined inductance is given by the sum of all mutual inductances between the various coils including the mutual inductance of each given coil.

opposition of a circuit element to the flow of current due to that element's inductance or capacitance.

For example, a magnetic inductance may represent an electrical capacitance.

of the impedance: capacitance and inductance.

The ideal speaker wire has no resistance, capacitance, or inductance.

Abhenry is the CGS (centimeter-gram-second) electromagnetic unit of inductance, equal to one billionth of a henry.

inductor that is inserted into an electronic circuit to increase its inductance.


electrical device; inductor;

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