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infanticidal Meaning in Bengali


অবাঞ্ছিত নবজাতককে হত্যা করার প্রথা, শিশুঘাতক, শিশুহন্তা,

infanticidal's Usage Examples:

Early infanticidal childrearing is a term used in the study of psychohistory that refers to infanticide in paleolithic, pre-historical, and historical.

thought, considering the practice as "early infanticidal childrearing".

They attribute parental infanticidal wishes to massive projection or displacement.

male meadow voles and house mice can be classed as either 'infanticidal' or 'non-infanticidal' depending on their history with other litters they have sired.

This infanticidal period is limited to the window just after the group is taken over.

Mode Childrearing characteristics Historical manifestations Infanticidal Early infanticidal childrearing: Ritual sacrifice.

Early infanticidal childrearing Stephen Schiff (December 5, 1994).

wild has not yet been reported, the speckled ground squirrel has been infanticidal in captivity.

Most infanticidal langurs are males that have recently immigrated to a group and driven.

as an eloquent gentleman of crime, but a deformed, psychopathic and infanticidal killer who holds a homicidal grudge against the aristocrats of Gotham.

whale) Polar bear Spotted hyena Tiger Unlike other African felids, no infanticidal behavior has been observed in the cheetah.

This is done by selecting for infanticidal males to enforce mate and offspring recognition and indirectly by mating.

females are put under pressure to ovulate and are forced to breed with the infanticidal males.

499–504 Chandra et al, Infanticidal ideas and infanticidal behavior in Indian women with severe postpartum psychiatric.

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