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infiniteness Meaning in Bengali

 আনন্ত্য, সীমাহীনতা, অমেয়তা,

অসীম হচ্ছে মান; আবদ্ধ বা সীমা ছাড়া



infiniteness's Usage Examples:

Proposed by Dedekind in 1888, Dedekind-infiniteness was the first definition of "infinite" that did not rely on the definition.

infinitely many primitive weird numbers, and Melfi has shown that the infiniteness of primitive weird numbers is a consequence of Cramér's conjecture.

sefirot, corresponding them to parts of the body, and describing the infiniteness and uniqueness of God.

This "infiniteness" of the Other would allow Levinas to derive other aspects of philosophy.

Most forms of semi-infiniteness are boundedness properties, not cardinality or measure properties: semi-infinite.

Upanishad, in its opening and concluding hymns, emphasizes the primacy of infiniteness of the Brahman and the Universe, with the Brahman representing the infinite.

"On the conditional infiniteness of primitive weird numbers".

White stands for the infiniteness, the bones; is the symbol of the depth of the spirit.

On the side of infiniteness, Schaeffer moves the chasm to between God and Man.

n) is infinite; together with the Novikov–Adian theorem, this implies infiniteness for all m > 1 and n ≥ 248.

Infinite divisibility alone implies infiniteness but not uncountability, as the rational numbers exemplify.

Because of the infiniteness of the domain, the complements of the images of one-to-one functions.

Other definitions of finiteness and infiniteness of sets than that given by Dedekind do not require the axiom of choice.

It flows to you as a part of yourself out of the infiniteness.

Gupta and post-Gupta sculptors were faced with difficulty of portraying infiniteness and multiple body parts in a feasible way.

infiniteness's Meaning':

the quality of being infinite; without bound or limit


quality; infinitude; limitlessness; boundlessness; unboundedness;


finiteness; rightness; unpleasantness; unfaithfulness; popularity;

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