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infinitesimally Meaning in Bengali

infinitesimally's Usage Examples:

related to the classical notion of the differential as "taking an infinitesimally small piece of something": (1) in the expression ∫ f ( x ) d α ( x.

In physics, symmetry breaking is a phenomenon in which (infinitesimally) small fluctuations acting on a system crossing a critical point decide the system's.

one takes the limiting case where the size of the surface becomes infinitesimally small.

For compositions within this curve, infinitesimally small fluctuations in composition and density will lead to phase separation.

nonstandard analysis, a monad (also called halo) is the set of points infinitesimally close to a given point.

the change in the G/T ratio at constant pressure as a result of an infinitesimally small change in temperature is a factor H/T2.

of the two global tidal waves creates energy in a physical manner, infinitesimally slowing down Earth's angular velocity ω.

Boltwood, Marie Curie thought that "the use of the name 'curie' for so infinitesimally small [a] quantity of anything was altogether inappropriate".

When the size of the lattice is taken infinitely large and its sites infinitesimally close to each other, the continuum gauge theory is recovered.

the idea is that a choice of affine connection makes a manifold look infinitesimally like Euclidean space not just smoothly, but as an affine space.

proposed, that is, interpreting "dx" as literally representing an infinitesimally small quantity, Keisler published Elementary Calculus: An Infinitesimal.

defined as Stokes flow between two parallel flat plates separated by an infinitesimally small gap, named after Henry Selby Hele-Shaw, who studied the problem.

expansion; it consists of two equal and opposite charges that are infinitesimally close together, although real dipoles have separated charge.

If this interval is made to be infinitesimally small, such that Δ s {\displaystyle {\Delta s}} becomes d s {\displaystyle.

In the distributed-element model, each circuit element is infinitesimally small, and the wires connecting elements are not assumed to be perfect.

Conformal maps preserve both angles and the shapes of infinitesimally small figures, but not necessarily their size or curvature.

circle passing through p and a pair of additional points on the curve infinitesimally close to p.

"shaky polyhedron", meaning that (like a flexible polyhedron) it is not infinitesimally rigid.

The volume of a sphere is the integral of an infinite number of infinitesimally small circular disks of thickness dx.

(IUPAC) as "that assembly of atoms which corresponds to an arbitrary infinitesimally small region at or near the col (saddle point) of a potential energy.

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