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inflate Meaning in Bengali

 অযথা প্রসারিত করা, ফাঁপা, বাতাস ঢুকাইয়া স্ফীত করা, গর্বিত করা, ফোলান, উৎফুল্ল করে তোলা, মুদ্রাস্ফীতি ঘটানো, বাতাস বা গ্যাস ভরে ফোলানো, গর্বে স্ফীত হয়ে ওঠা, কত্রিম উপায়ে বাড়িয়ে দেওয়া,


গর্বিত করা, বাতাস ঢুকাইয়া স্ফীত করা, ফাঁপা, অযথা প্রসারিত করা,

inflate's Usage Examples:

Contains separate build with inflate only.

In industrial usage, this may be used to inflate car or bicycle tyres or power tools worked by compressed air, for breathing.

agricultural interests in Indianapolis in 1874 to urge the federal government to inflate the economy through the mass issuance of paper money called greenbacks.

Some twisters inflate their balloons with their own lungs, and for many years this was a standard.

self-contained valve which opens to admit gas to a chamber (such as air to inflate a tire), and is then automatically closed and kept sealed by the pressure.

participle of the French verb souffler which means "to blow", "to breathe", "to inflate" or "to puff".

Like other swellsharks, this species can inflate itself when threatened.

PageRank or backlink portfolio of affiliate websites, to artificially inflate paid ad impressions from visitors (see made for AdSense or MFA-blogs),.

Hermetic seal Hydrostatic seal Hydrodynamic seal Inflatable seal Seals that inflate and deflate in three basic directions of operation: the axial direction.

fore to aft, some or all of which are open at the front to allow air to inflate the kite so it takes on an aerofoil section.

His teammates were accused of attempting to inflate his score by losing to him in the final of the Men's Sabre in 1924.

Like other swellsharks, this species can inflate its body when threatened.

Like other swellsharks, it can inflate itself as a defensive measure.

When threatened by a predator, it can take water or air into its body to inflate its body, which may be the cause of its unusual habit of barking like a.

The balloon inflates and deflates via counter pulsation, meaning it actively deflates in systole and inflates in diastole.

Like other swellsharks, it can inflate itself with water or air when threatened.

Scyliorhinidae, commonly known as swellsharks because of their ability to inflate their bodies with water or air as a defense against predators.


amplify; increase; puff up; blow up; expand;


undiluted; malfunction; strengthen; switch on; decrease;

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