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infolding Meaning in Bengali

একটি বাইরের স্তর মধ্যে ভাঁজ যাতে পৃষ্ঠ একটি পকেট গঠনের

infolding's Usage Examples:

tooth, is a rare dental malformation found in teeth where there is an infolding of enamel into dentine.

commonly Morgagni's columns) are a number of vertical folds, produced by an infolding of the mucous membrane and some of the muscular tissue in the upper half.

The entorhinal cortex is an infolding of the parahippocampal gyrus into the inferior (temporal) horn of the.

typhlosole which is an infolding of all layers of the intestine wall, whereas in some other families (e.

Megascolecidae), it is an infolding of only the inner.

The osteoclast then induces an infolding of its cell membrane and secretes collagenase and other enzymes important.

vertical infolding; lies inferior to the tentorium cerebelli, separating the cerebellar hemispheres.

Diaphragma sellae, smallest infolding; covers the.

more advanced herbivorous diadectids, the teeth retained labyrinthodont infolding of the enamel, and were pointed and slightly recurved at the tip.

Basilar invagination is invagination (infolding) of the base of the skull that occurs when the top of the C2 vertebra migrates upward.

sac is formed during embryogenesis from an infolding of the greater omentum.

The open end of the infolding, known as the omental foramen is usually close.

Reptiliomorph amphibians, the teeth of the Diadectomorpha lacked the infolding of the dentine and enamel that account for the name Labyrinthodontia for.

classified based on certain properties including shape, presence or absence of infolding of the nuclear envelope, and composition of the cytoplasm.

sellar diaphragm: The cerebellar falx (falx cerebelli) is a vertical dural infolding that lies inferior to the cerebellar tentorium in the posterior part of.

neochoristoderes have teeth completely enveloped in striated enamel with an enamel infolding at the base, labiolingually compressed and hooked, the exception being.

The phragma, or endotergite, is a transverse infolding of the intersegmental sclerite, and its main function is to provide a.

The name describes the pattern of infolding of the dentin and enamel of the teeth, which are often the only part of.

It is widely assumed pitfall traps evolved by epiascidiation (infolding of the leaf with the adaxial or upper surface becoming the inside of the.

gastroesophageal valve is the result of infolding of the esophagus into the stomach at the esophageal hiatus.

This infolding creates a valve that extends from.

defined as a funnel shaped infolding of the upper rectal (or lower sigmoid) wall that can occur during defecation.

This infolding is perhaps best visualised.

process contrasts with the process in other chordates, which occurs by an infolding of the ectoderm to form a hollow tube.

infolding's Meaning':

the folding in of an outer layer so as to form a pocket in the surface


intussusception; organic process; biological process; invagination; introversion;


nondevelopment; anabolism; development; ovulation; anovulation;

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