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inheres Meaning in Bengali

 দৃঢ়সংলগ্ন থাকা, আঁটিয়া থাকা, জন্মগত হত্তয়া, সহজাত হত্তয়া, অধিষ্ঠান করা, অধিষ্ঠিত হত্তয়া,

কিছু সহজাত হতে

inheres's Usage Examples:

attribute inheres in a subject, then the subject is said to participate in the attribute.

For example, if the attribute in Athens inheres in Socrates.

It inheres in the logic of events, for only thus can supercapitalism make its plans.

Bhuman, the plenitude which transcends the sum of its parts and yet fully inheres in them.

legitimate dispute whether the (purportedly) emergent phenomenona (the soul) inheres in any way at the lower level of explanation (materialism).

attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person.

Participation (philosophy), the inverse of inherence: if an attribute inheres in a subject, then the subject participates in the attribute Participant.

"Intuitive cognition is such that when some things are cognized, of which one inheres in the other, or one is spatially distant from the other, or exists in.

rational basis, citing Hardwick and writing that "the right to privacy inheres only in family relationships, marriage and procreation, and does not extend.

may leverage the expectation of official endorsement that necessarily inheres in governmentally-issued postage for the purpose of shocking or subverting.

mind is conjunctively related to the knowing self in which the vyavasāya inheres; and, anuvyavasāya, which is subsequent introspective awareness, amounts.

universal type (doghood), property (redness), or relation (betweenness) inheres in a particular object (a specific dog, red thing, or object between other.

In Scotland, the monarch's property right inheres in those whales too large to be pulled to land by a "wain pulled by six.

Meaning inheres to words and names.

largest country program and its lending portfolio of the World Bank group inheres of 104 operations with a total volume of "27.

They question what it means to say that the form of applehood inheres a particular apple or that the apple is a copy of the form of applehood.

example, in the sentence, "The apple is red" substance theory says that red inheres in the apple.

anything whatsoever; but extension does not require a subject in which it "inheres", as a property; and it can be conceived as existent without presupposing.

(psychology) – Psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person Curiosity – Quality related to inquisitive.

generalized meta system of problems, which we call the 'problematique' that inheres in our situation.

There is beauty in his recognition that personality inheres in motorcycles, riding gloves; there is sadness and sickness in his removal.

inheres's Meaning':

be inherent in something

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