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inherited disease Meaning in Bengali


উত্তরাধিকার সুত্রে প্রাপ্ত রোগ,

inherited disease's Usage Examples:

D-Glyceric Aciduria) is an inherited disease, in the category of inborn errors of metabolism.

Bartter syndrome (BS) is a rare inherited disease characterised by a defect in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, which results in low potassium.

It is usually an autosomal dominant inherited disease (often associated with filaggrin), although a rare non-heritable version.

atrophy, or dominant optic atrophy, Kjer's type, is an autosomally inherited disease that affects the optic nerves, causing reduced visual acuity and blindness.

Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica or dystrophic EB (DEB) is an inherited disease affecting the skin and other organs.

Aspartylglucosaminuria (AGU) is an inherited disease that is characterized by a decline in mental functioning, accompanied by an increase in skin, bone.

Dysfibrinogenemia may be an inherited disease and therefore termed congenital dysfibrinogenemia or secondary to.

Maroteaux–Lamy syndrome, or Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI (MPS-VI), is an inherited disease caused by a deficiency in the enzyme arylsulfatase B (ARSB).

cases of retinoblastoma, a tumor of the retina that occurs both as an inherited disease and sporadically.

neurofibromatosis type I (NF1), an autosomal-dominant genetically inherited disease.

APC is a tumour suppressor gene which is associated with the inherited disease adenomatous polyposis coli (APC).

Research can be broken into two key areas: inherited disease and infectious disease.

indicated that multiple osteochondromas is an autosomal dominant inherited disease.

Intestinal neuronal dysplasia (IND) is an inherited disease of the intestine that affects one in 3000 children and adults.


branched chain ketoaciduria; achondroplasty; McArdle's disease; oligodactyly; marble bones disease; inborn error of metabolism; Fanconi's anemia; dwarfism; osteopetrosis; lactose intolerance; polygenic disorder; mucopolysaccharidosis; autosomal dominant disease; congenital megacolon; Albers-Schonberg disease; genetic defect; nanism; genetic abnormality; maple syrup urine disease; Hirschsprung's disease; abetalipoproteinemia; congenital afibrinogenemia; genetic disorder; achondroplasia; hepatolenticular degeneration; congenital disease; Wilson's disease; hereditary condition; Spielmeyer-Vogt disease; juvenile amaurotic idiocy; dystrophy; milk intolerance; monogenic disease; porphyria; oligodontia; hyperbetalipoproteinemia; otosclerosis; osteosclerosis congenita; polygenic disease; Fanconi's anaemia; congenital pancytopenia; autosomal recessive disease; pachyderma; hereditary disease; chondrodystrophy; autosomal recessive defect; lactase deficiency; autosomal dominant disorder; monogenic disorder; inherited disorder; genetic disease; nevoid elephantiasis; muscular dystrophy; ichthyosis; disease;



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