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inion Meaning in Bengali

craniometric পয়েন্ট যে মাথা পিছে বিশিষ্ট পয়েন্ট (occipital পিণ্ড রয়েছে

inion's Usage Examples:

occipital protuberance, the highest point of which is referred to as the inion.

The inion is the most prominent projection of the protuberance which is located.

occipital bun, also called occipital spurs, occipital knob, chignon hooks or inion hooks, is a prominent bulge or projection of the occipital bone at the back.

"nape" or inion) is a genus of pterosaurs from the Sinemurian-mid Pliensbachian-age Lower.

elliptical depression on the occiput above the superior nuchal line, or inion, or a dent in the back of the head.

Gaillimh inion Breasail is the name of the mythical woman from whom the river and city of Galway, Ireland, derives its name.

Creassa inion Urchadh Princess of the Uí Briúin Seóla and Queen of Connacht, fl.

a measurement is taken across the top of the head, from the nasion to inion.

Bé Binn inion Urchadh (or Beibhinn) was a Princess of the Uí Briúin Seóla and Queen of Thomond (fl.

Saerlaith inion Elcomach was an Irish centenarian who died in 969.

Caineach inion Urchadh Princess of the Uí Briúin Seóla and Queen of Connacht, fl.

Bé Binn's sister Creassa inion Urchadh was a wife of King Tadg mac Cathail of Connacht, while her sister, Caineach inion Urchadh, married the ancestor.

Nettenchelys inion is an eel in the family Nettastomatidae (duckbill/witch eels).

petro-tympanic crest orientated downward, 8: opisthocranion coincident with inion, 9: processus retromastoideus, 10: torus angularis parietalis.

inion's Meaning':

the craniometric point that is the most prominent point at the back of the head (at the occipital protuberance

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